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ENB and F4SE not working together. Crash on startup.


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Hello all!!


So recently, with my fallout install, I've run into the problem of ENB not working with F4SE installed. It's not a mod, specifically. that is causing the problems, but ENB and F4SE together itself, without a ENB mod on top.


When I start up the game, I get an error of "The procedure entry point D3D11On12CreatDevice could not be located in the dynamic library. C/Program Files(86)/EVGA/Precisionx 16/ {precisionxserverhooks_x64.DLL."


I have tried reinstalling fallout 4 to fix the problem.


I have tried to reinstall F4SE to fix the problem.


I have tried to reinstall ENB to fix the problem.


I have run Command prompt with the file fixer search, trying to see if i was missing a specific file, and it comes back with all files properly installed.


I have restarted and updated my computer.


I have installed and ran the current graphics card updates to see if it fixed the problem.


None of these things have helped.


As far as I can tell, It seems to be a problem related to running F4SE and ENB files together.


Or, alternatively, its a problem with my card and I'm not sure where to start fixing that (i'll also mention that I'm not terribly tech savvy), givin that i have updated and reinstalled the graphics driver,b Fallout 4, ENB and F4SE. If anyone has any information on it being a possible card or graphics driver issue, please let me know, but for now lets focus on what could be wrong (within my knowledge) with my install to cause such an error.


When i launch fallout 4 without F4SE running, the ENB takes what it can and runs with it, so I have slight shader modifications and a bit better of AO. But when i start up the game, with ENB installed, thru the F4SE, I get the previously mentioned error. F4SE Runs perfectly fine if i leave the ENB out, and has no issues. ENB runs, albeit on a very basic setting, fine when I don't run the game thru script extender. But trying to do both at once leads to a crash on start up with the error.


I'm not sure what is wrong, but I'm at my wits end ( as well as google searchs end for answers) and would appreciate any help that could possibly be given about this error.


Even, and ESPECIALLY, if it covers something i previously mentioned but maybe didn't think thru all the way.


To summarize, F4SE and ENB don't work together on my build, and i am unsure if its because of hardware, software, mod or install compatibility. If someone has anything that could possibly help me with this situation, please let me know, no matter how small.


i miss my realistic ENBS ):


thank you community!! If you have further questions regarding my issue, please post them and I will get back to you as soon as possible.



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I'll give that a try. And yeah, I've looked and no one else seems to have this problem, and maybe I should have worded my issue differently.

So it's not that they "Don't work together" ever. I know that they should. It's that they don't on my rig. I'm not the most tech savvy, but I'm not helpless either, I just don't really know what other things I can try to do to fix it.

No one else around has seemed to have this problem, and I have tried most things that I can think of.

Hopefully updating the framework will fix the issue.
I'll update in a bit
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In addition to JimmyRJump: If I remember right, there was/is an issue with missing DX9 files in some builds of Win 10, which could make ENB crash.


Have a look at this thread from the Skyrim forums (first post mainly): https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3089504-fix-for-skyrim-crashing-instantly-with-enb-on-windows-10/


Here's the current download link for DX 2010 mentioned in the thread I linked: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109

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Thank you for the follow up, I was unaware of any issues. that could very well be my problem, I shall look thru that forum as well as try downloading the DX files. I'll update with either the fix or a continued issue


On a further note, updating DotNET Framework didn't work, tho it did have to be updated.


Thanks for the help!! hopefully we can figure this out haha, I'm about out of ideas myself so.

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On top of that, I'm running it in DX11, I'm fairly sure, would there still be an issue if that is the case? With most games you can choose your rendering/shader(?) between DX9, 10 and 11, such as the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series, but I don't seem to see that option anywhere in Bethesdas starter options, or in BETHINI's options.


Does it only run in DX9??


I honestly have no idea in this regards.

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Update: That fix did not work.


A bit more digging leads me to belive its an issue with how EVGA is interacting with the game :/


Therefore, I'll probably end this thread, and only update if I come up with a solution! Any relevant information is still appreciated tho.

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