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Atomic Beauty Conversion for Handmaiden set


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this has already been discussed , and you could easily do this yourself

this mod already comes with BodySlide files

and Atomic Beauty is based on CBBE , and provides the necessary BodySlide files

so you should be able to build the outfit based on the preset from AB yourself

if you don't know how to use BodySlide , the page has links to several tutorials of different forms (written and video tutorials) , so you should easily be able to learn how to do this (it's really an easy process)

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Generally when I have free time, it's not spent learning to mod. I already spend a fair amount of time learning various things and doing some self taught stuff. When it comes down to sitting at a computer to enjoy a game like FO4, I don't feel inclined to learn the basics of modding. I'm too lazy to do it after all the things I already have to do in the rest of my life in a given day.
Considering how many AB conversions there are for other sets, in particular every other Kite outfit, it amazes me that a popular set like Handmaiden would be left undone. It's easier if one person could convert and then post it for others to use to save them from having to learn to do it themselves; like me.
Hence why I'm requesting it. No, it's not a massive effort for me to learn a bit of modding to just do it, but having to do so when I'm not very computer literate to begin with after spending my days learning other things, it's not very fun. That's typically why some mods exist: convenience for everyone else. One person can do a thing to benefit everybody.

If it's so easy to do, then it'd be nice if someone who has already done it were to post it on Nexus already. Save folks like me some time.

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I don't know if you've ever used BodySlide , but doing what you are asking takes about 30 seconds on BodySlide

this doesn't require any real learning

just choose the armor , choose the preset , press build and done


as for what you've said , I'll just give you my point of view on this

making even a simple mod , testing it to verify it works , package it properly , upload the files and everything , setting up the mod page

all of these things take time

and it requires someone that wants to do this


while making requests is still accepted here , just look at these forums and see how many of these requests are answered , and how many of the requested mods get created

so in such a case , if you can do it yourself , it would be far far better for you and everyone else (even if it takes you a few hours to learn what to do , it will still usually be faster , compared to making a request and hoping that someone will make it happen)

so of course you can keep with the request and hope to see it made some day . I just think it would be better for you to spend the 30 minutes to learn the ins and outs of BodySlide (it shouldn't even take that long if you are going with just the basics) and do this yourself . unless you want to wait until someone decides to release such a mod (if it ever happens)

it's your choice , I'm just trying to help and save you time

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It takes 30 seconds if you know what to do, or after having gone through the tutorials and accounting for whether or not I actually know what's going on. Don't overestimate my intellect, it's deceptively low.

I get that, which is generally why I try to request simple mods. I mostly don't care for something grandiose, just a slight alteration here or there that I imagine a seasoned modder would be able to do fairly easily and quickly. Very few of my requests have been anything of a challenge for modders (I made one request that would require new meshes and whatnot, but I'm not gonna hold my breath on that). But I'm not out to request someone build full scale Michael Bay Transformers to duke it out with destructible buildings.

And trust me, I know many mod requests go undone. I've made a few, they've generally been ignored. I appreciate the tip, but I'm just too exhausted at the end of the day to wanna learn to do something other people already know and could do. If I had a background in a computer field that suddenly made modding quite easy for me, I'd just do it myself. Sadly, I'm a little too much a manual laborer to bother with it and in the process of moving to the other side of the country.
Naturally I can't just lead with that in every request I make in the hopes that a modder would dedicate their time and effort to doing the little requests I have here and there, but I would hope that some modders are considerate enough to consider that some folks make simple requests because they aren't up to the task given real life obligations and the mental drain those tend to have on people not already familiar with the otherwise easy things skilled modders do.

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Well, I tried my hand at converting it myself. It didn't pan out whatsoever. No idea what I did wrong.
So yeah, please, someone who does know what to do, be kind enough to provide a conversion for everyone else to use.

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As a modder, I often go through this forum to see if there are mods I would make... My way of thinking is usually: Do I want to have it myself? No? Does it take me less than 10 minutes? Yes? Is it something that is tedious to do? No? Fine, I'll make it... (I'd have to make the whole flowsheet for every situation)


CBBE modifyers are to me tedious to do, because I'd have to modify, test, package, upload, make a page and then reverse the whole process so I'm not walking around with an unwanted change...

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