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Interaction with Objects and Menu Stuff


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I am pretty new to making mods for Fallout, so I need some help for very specific Tasks that I can't complete on my own. I have done some (lame) Geck stuff, like building a simple house, so I am not completely lost in GECK. So here is my Problem :

We have a Room with some Junk laying around ( Like Cans, Static Paper, etc.) . In that Specific Room I would place a Broom, which one could select with e. A Menu Opens where there are 2 Options : Clean up the Mess and Exit. When you select Clean up the Mess, the Cans and the Static Paper Dissapear, leaving the room Nice and Clean. I think one needs to do that with a script, but as I said I am pretty new. The general Idea is to change the state of Static or non Static Objects in the Game by a Menu.

And I don't need a fully explanation, just some good Hints and Tips to get me in the right direction.


Almost same Problem :

We Have a Broken Sink. You can Click it with e and a Menu Opens. You Can Select Repair [20 Repair Skill Req.] or Exit. When you click Repair, the Broken Sink gets Replaced with a working one.


Any ideas ?


I am Thankful for Every hint.

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Search for 'enable parent' on this site or the geck wiki.


In your first example, you would parent all your junk to one enable parent. When you choose to clean up from your menu, you disable the parent, which automatically disables all of the things it's parented to.


The sink is just a variation on this. You put a dirty sink and a clean sink in the same place, give them both the same enable parent, but mark the clean one as 'initially disabled'. On its enable parent tab, tick the box that says something like 'set enable state to opposite of parent. Then when you disable the enable parent, the dirty sink will go away and the clean one will appear.

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This would be relatively simple to do. you would need to turn the item into an activator so it can use a script, then set up your script using a simple enable, disable command that fires after you pass your skill check.


Quetz beat me to it and, probably explained better then I did. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/whistling.gif

Edited by chucksteel
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So here starts the Next Problem. I have to make the Broom an Activator, and make a script and menu that are one time use only to disable one Junk Static that is laying around, which is parent to other junk. I am lookin through some mods other people made to get ideas. Any Ideas to help me ?
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Hoooray, I made a Menu, and made Objects appear and disappear via this menu. The 2 Last goals are to check if the Player has a ceartain repair skill (i think it is getav) and more important : Make the broom an activator.
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