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Where should the ENB Particle Patch be in my load order?


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So for the record, I don't actually have an ENB, I just downloaded the patch when I realized I needed it for the Subsurface Scattering Patch to actually work, so I could in turn get better looking skin textures. The problem that I am having is I'm not sure where to put it. When I first installed it, it said that is was overwriting ELFX, SMIM, and Realistic Waters Two. I'm wondering where I should put it in my load order for the best effect.


Here is my current load order" https://modwat.ch/u/rogueagent/plugins

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The most important thing about the ENB particle patch are its mesh fixes. For the patch to take effect its meshes should overwrite everything and not be overwritten by any other mods. Placement of the .esp (which AFAIK contains only a few changes, mainly to flame atronachs, anyway) doesn't matter much. Chances are low it will be overwritten by anything else.


That's the general theory. Practically, nowadays a lot of mods come with already ENB optimized particles, e.g. most fire/torches mods and Realistic Water Two. My personal approach is to let this type of mods overwrite the particle patch. I mean, if a mod authors makes stuff with ENB in mind, why not use the whole package with all those parts intended to work together? In the end, you will have to test though and see, which combination suits your taste best.


TLDR: There is no "right" load order. Installation order (overwrites) needs testing and depends on personal preferences. Whatever you do, you technically can't do anything really "wrong" in this department...

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  • 5 months later...

I am curious about this too... so it should go at the top of my load order it sounds like? As you're suppose to let SMIM and ULTIMATE HD FIRE overwrite it?


Because it wishes to overwrite



Ultimate HD Fire

Embers HD


Reduced Glow FX

Ruins Clutter Improved

High Poly Project

EEK's Flora Collection

Realistic Waters 2


Better Shapes Weapons.

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  • 8 months later...

I am curious about this too... so it should go at the top of my load order it sounds like? As you're suppose to let SMIM and ULTIMATE HD FIRE overwrite it?


Because it wishes to overwrite



Ultimate HD Fire

Embers HD


Reduced Glow FX

Ruins Clutter Improved

High Poly Project

EEK's Flora Collection

Realistic Waters 2


Better Shapes Weapons.

I know I'm really late, but I'm gonna say it anyway.

Make sure Particle Patch overrides every mod in this list, except for Reduced Glow FX.

So the order should be:

[all mods]

Particle Patch

Reduced Glow FX

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  • 1 month later...


I am curious about this too... so it should go at the top of my load order it sounds like? As you're suppose to let SMIM and ULTIMATE HD FIRE overwrite it?


Because it wishes to overwrite



Ultimate HD Fire

Embers HD


Reduced Glow FX

Ruins Clutter Improved

High Poly Project

EEK's Flora Collection

Realistic Waters 2


Better Shapes Weapons.

I know I'm really late, but I'm gonna say it anyway.

Make sure Particle Patch overrides every mod in this list, except for Reduced Glow FX.

So the order should be:

[all mods]

Particle Patch

Reduced Glow FX



thank you

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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...


I am curious about this too... so it should go at the top of my load order it sounds like? As you're suppose to let SMIM and ULTIMATE HD FIRE overwrite it?


Because it wishes to overwrite



Ultimate HD Fire

Embers HD


Reduced Glow FX

Ruins Clutter Improved

High Poly Project

EEK's Flora Collection

Realistic Waters 2


Better Shapes Weapons.

I know I'm really late, but I'm gonna say it anyway.

Make sure Particle Patch overrides every mod in this list, except for Reduced Glow FX.

So the order should be:

[all mods]

Particle Patch

Reduced Glow FX




FYI, High Poly Project recommends that you let it overwrite the Particle Patch.


A lot of outdated info in this thread, which is why I'm chiming in. We should be archiving this thread as being outdated and no longer a proper source of modern load order information. Too many discrepancies to make it a credible source of load order insight.

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