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"Breaking Dawn" Quest Bug: Stuck in the Sky! NEED HELP&#33


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Okay I just got the beacon of Meridia from a cave I previously cleared, a LONG time ago, so in other words I had to clear it twice because all the vampires had been respawned I guess (even though the old ash piles from before were STILL there LOL). I took the beacon the Shrine of Meridia, and she said something about "how can I love my people if they dont love me", then suddenly I was lifted into the sky about 3000 meters above ground. I was waiting for something to happen, but after 2 minutes went by, I knew I'd encountered yet ANOTHER bug in this buggy as hell game!


Now I'm stuck in the sky. There seems to be nothing I can do to progress, so my question is... What am I supposed to do to progress past this point in "Breaking Dawn"?


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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I'd try going back to an earlier save if you have one. There's supposed to be some dialogue with Meridia and then be lowered back down. If your quest isn't updating in the journal then using "coc" might get you out of there but you won't be able to finish unless you progress the quest with the console. But this particular quest has a lot of triggers so I don't know how well the console will work for it. I'd say go back to another save. If you don't have one then you can try the console to advance or complete the quest (and give yourself the reward).


It's a good idea to make a clean save right before starting a quest and keep it until you've finished, just in case something happens (since so many quests get bugged so easily).

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  • 4 years later...

I figured a solution by trial and error with console commands:
When you're stuck in the sky, just type in the console "setstage da09 500" and you're good to go. If the game does'nt procces the quest as completed fast enough, you may hit the ground and die, so just toggle god mode (with the coge tgm) and untoggle after you have landed safely.

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