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Place At PC


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It depends... the most accurate answer would be to find the FormID of the NPC and use the "PlaceAtMe" command in the console. Which NPC and which quest are you talking about? There may be better workarounds as creating a copy of an NPC can possibly create problems.
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So the word is different from Morrowind. Would the command look like this?

placeatme 01073810 1,1,1

(Dremora of the Lamp)

Edited by RazaCovek
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Here's a quote from the UESP Wiki for Console Commands:

placeatme <BaseID> Spawns new copy of object in front of actor <BaseID> is a base Form ID as seen in the "Object Window" of the Construction Set. BaseIDs exist for items, NPCs, creatures, etc. This command will spawn a new copy of the object. UESP articles (e.g. Oblivion:Items) provide the BaseIDs for all listed objects, or the same IDs are available at PlanetElderScrolls. This command should not be used for unique NPCs; see NPCs and prid instead.

WARNING: Overuse of the placeatme command may result in savegame bloating, which can lead to savegame corruption.


Note the caveat at the end ... I use a combination of 'prid <RefID>' and then 'moveto player'. If the character is dead and has disappeared from the game world then it's 'prid <RefID>' followed by 'enable' and then 'moveto player'. Also note that some console commands use BaseIDs and some use RefIDs. For vanilla NPCs those are most easily retrieved from the UESP Wiki ... you'll need to get mod added BaseIDs and RefIDs by loading the mod in the CS and expanding the collapsed column showing them. Then you'll need the hexadecimal digits for the first two characters of the BaseID found either in OBMM or Wyre Bash loading order.

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I know what it does, I used placeatpc to restore Eranill (Mage Guild Transport, Morrowind). I need an example for Oblivion so I can get my Dremora back. Edited by RazaCovek
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Elsweyr Aquina mod - 'Dremora of the lamp' quest. I can't close out the quest until she is restored. Like Eranil the Transport Mage from Morrowind, she could have fallen through the ground. I need an example not the theory. Urbul gro-Orkulg of Market District did disappeared from the game once (I have wandering marauders who attack everybody from Bandits in Cities mod), how would I type in the console the exact formula to bring him back? Edited by RazaCovek
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What you need to do to use the console command 'placeatme' is the baseID of the NPC. You can get that either by loading the Elsweyr esp in the Construction Set or I think that TES4Edit may have a function that does that (never used TES4Edit myself).


Here's an example of using the CS to get the baseID. I will use a vanilla NPC because I don't know what mods you have loaded besides Elsweyr and I don't use Elysweyr myself. We will find the baseID for Jauffre.


Start the CS and then click on 'File' then 'Data...' and then from the dialogue that opens double click on Oblivion.esm. In your case for Elysweyr you will also scroll down to the Elsweyr esp file (what ever it is called) and double click on it. For either this example or your Elsweyr case you do not need to make any file active ... we are using the CS to find the baseID and will not be changing or saving anything. When the CS prompts you that no file is active click Yes to continue.


After the CS has finished loading all the resources, in the left hand side pane of the Object Window find the section for NPCs. If the NPCs section is collapsed click on the plus sign to see the races. In the case of Jauffre we will expand the Breton race and then click on Male. In the case of your missing Dremora you will expand the Dremora race and click on the appropriate sex. In the right hand pane of the Object Window you will now see all the male Bretons listed (following the Jauffre example). Scroll down the list until you find Jauffre. Note that the column Editor ID may use a different name than the one that shows up in the game. The column Name to right has the name that shows up in the game. Immediately to the right of the Editor ID column you will see two small vertical lines indicating a collapsed column. Click and hold on the right hand small vertical line, drap to the right and the Form ID column will open up. In the Jauffre example you will see his Form ID is 00023999. This is the same as his BaseID (you can confirm this by looking at his baseID and refID on his UESP Wiki page).


To use the baseID in the console command you open the console (using the tilde (~) key just below the Esc key on standard keyboards) and at the prompt type in 'placeatme 23999' without the quote marks and hit Enter (note that leading zeros in either a baseID or refID are not signifigant ... you don't need to put them in).


The problem with using 'placeatme' is that it creates a copy of the baseID item or NPC. Scripts for that NPC may not work (so in your case the 'placeatme' spawned copy will probably not close out your quest). That is why I suggested 'prid <refID>' and then 'moveto player'. That doesn't create a copy ... it moves the actual NPC to the player's location. Getting the refID for a mod added NPC is a bit complicated.


If you left click on your Elsweyr added Dremora in the Object Window left pane and then select 'Use Info' a dialogue will open. In the 'Used in these cells:' pane (lower pane) you'll see a column 'Cell Editor ID' and then to the right of that in the 'Cell Grid' column it will say either 'Interior' or will give cell grid coordinates. In the Cell View window find the interior cell or cell grid (in the case of Elsweyr you may need to find it in the drop down box at the top called 'World Spaces ... also where you will need to switch to 'Tamriel' to find the cell coordinates for an NPC not located inside an interior for the vanilla game or mod that uses an exterior cell in the vanilla game). Once you locate the correct cell single click on it in the left hand pane of the Cell View window and all the assets loaded in that cell will appear in the right hand pane of the Cell View window. Scroll down the list and find your Dremora (which will be listed by the Editor ID name not the name found in the game). Expand the collapsed column just to the right of the Editor ID column in the Cell View window and write down the exposed Form ID number. The CS can now be closed. Make sure not to click on 'Save' in the File menu and it will just close the CS.


The Form ID that you wrote down is the refID needed for the 'prid' console command except it has the first two digits wrong. The first two digits are determined by the load order that the mod is in your load list. That is a hexadecimal number (numbers that are base 16). One way to get the first two digits is by looking at your mod list in Wrye Bash or Oblivion Mod Manager. If you use OBMM to activate all of your mods it will display the correct number for Elsweyr ... if not and you don't use Wrye Bash you'll need to do some base 16 math (WB is the most reliable way to get the load order numbers without base 16 math ... and explaining that would take this to a whole 'nother level of 'wall of text'). You replace the first two digits of the Form ID you wrote down with the two digit load order number. I have a mod that adds some NPCs to the game. In the CS Cell View window I get the Form ID 010102c7. The mod load order number is 3e so the actual refID for that NPC on my machine with my load order is 3e0102c7.


To get that NPC in front of my character (no matter where she is in the game world) the console commands are 'prid 3e0102c7' and then hit Enter. The NPC's name and refID will appear at the top of the screen. Then 'moveto player' and Enter. Close the console (hit tilde again) and they will appear close to your character (usually just behind you). If they don't appear it is likely they've died and been purged by a cell refresh. In that case after you 'prid 3e0102c7' (using your missing Dremora's refID of course) then type 'enable' and hit Enter. Next type 'resurrect 1' and Enter (note that is a number one after resurrect). Then 'moveto player' and Enter and close the console. They should be there right close to your character.


And sorry, there's no short way to explain that.

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A shortcut that I use for finding the first two digits of refIDs for missing NPCs is to find another NPC added by the same mod, open the console while they're in front of your character and click on them with the mouse. Their refID and name will appear at the top of the screen. Take note of the first two digits of their refID ... that's the first two digits you'll need to use for your missing NPC.
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You are all helping in the wrong way, you are all still giving me theory and essays not practice, I just need to see what the proper formula example ( any example to restore a missing npc any npc) looks like typed out. I know what the Morrowind formula looks like (placeatpc "eranil" 1,1,1).

Previously I asked the question, "Would the command look like this? [placeatme 01073810 1,1,1] (formID 01073815 Dremora of the Lamp)" Is that what the formula suppose to look like when it is typed out?

Edited by RazaCovek
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