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Diablo 3; first impressions and experiences.


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If you rush the game, maybe. I spent 5 hours on Act 1, and even then I sometimes felt like I was rushing certain parts of it.

No, rushing it is 2 hours according to what I've heard about some Korean speed-runners. 5-6 through Nightmare. You couldn't do that in D2 without someone feeding your waypoints and killing everything. In D2, a solo run through act 1 could take a good 6-7 hours, and that's if you knew how to build your character, got lucky with drops, and used a map hack to get through some of the dungeons without exploring every branch. Act 2, another 5-6. Actually working your way through Act 3 takes another dozen hours. Even act 4 can take a couple hours on a solo run just because of the tendency to be mobbed and have to backtrack while having to clear most of an area to find what you needed.


So either maps are mostly linear and dumbed down, or equipment is. Or maybe it's the part where you don't have to stop every now and then and take the time to figure out how you want to build your character so you can just keep on going, dropping old equipment for new because it really doesn't matter.

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Im enjoying D3. So far I find it more interesting than D2. I got bored easily with that one. However, the release was failtastic. It is not fun having to play through the same dungeon a dozen times because of disconnects. It still isn't 100% either.
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In D2, a solo run through act 1 could take a good 6-7 hours, and that's if you knew how to build your character, got lucky with drops, and used a map hack to get through some of the dungeons without exploring every branch.


i hope your talking like Hard or Nightmare (which i never tried) cause on normal, i would beat Act 1 in like 3-4 hours. and i really have no clue as to how to perfectly build any of the build in Diablo. and i usually explored most of the maps and dungeons.

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In D2, a solo run through act 1 could take a good 6-7 hours, and that's if you knew how to build your character, got lucky with drops, and used a map hack to get through some of the dungeons without exploring every branch.


i hope your talking like Hard or Nightmare (which i never tried) cause on normal, i would beat Act 1 in like 3-4 hours. and i really have no clue as to how to perfectly build any of the build in Diablo. and i usually explored most of the maps and dungeons.

Well, I was talking about a full clear, not just following paths and running to objectives. There are lots of dungeons, sidequests, and other stuff that usually get glossed over.


And the thing with most builds was that they were hell to use in the earlier stages (only spending skill points in things related to end skills), but start really turning around around the time you started doing nightmare runs. Lightning/orb sorc for example would really only be able to use frost bolt or unreliable (and high mana cost) lightning damage for skills without spending skill points somewhere that doesn't "gimp" their end build. So solo progress early on tended to be quite slow unless you got exceptionally lucky with staffs and equipment to help fill the damage gap. There were only a handful of builds which started out reasonably capable, but were able to survive well enough in hell difficulty, most spent the first 20 or so levels reasonably gimped in waiting for skill trees to open enough, or were heavily reliant on equipment.

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yea, i said that i explored just about everything. im OCD on stuff like that. i cant not explore something or loot something. as far as being gimped, well i dont do that, cause i dont usually go past lvl 20 cause i usually get bored by then, so i have no worries about end build or anything. :P
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No, rushing it is 2 hours according to what I've heard about some Korean speed-runners. 5-6 through Nightmare.


From what you've heard or from what you've experienced? Because I'm sorry, but there is no way you can beat the game in 2 hours on normal difficulty.


Those Korean speedrunners did it in 6 hours on normal difficulty.

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