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Need advice: gloss effect in nifskope


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I have retextured one of the models - its emperors robe. The nif has two NiTriShape blocks: body and sleeves. Both use separate textures and normalmaps.


As you can see on the nifskope screenshots attached the body has a weak glow which is only visible from certain viewpoints (which proves it is a glow effect and not a shadow in the texture itself).

The sleeves dont have that glow.


NiAlphaProperty settings are exactly the same for both NiTriShape blocks. There are no glowmaps involved - both have just a texture and a normalmap. I have already tried to modify the normalmaps alpha channels with no success.


The question now is how I could apply the same glow to the sleeves in order to get rid of the ugly dark/ bright seam at the shoulders.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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It sounds like you have vertex colors turned on and they are not all the same color, which is usefull sometimes but not what you want.


If your BSShaderProperty calls for vertex colors:


Using Nifskope, turn off vertex colors, save your nif, open it back up, turn the vertex colors back on and save again. This will reset all of them to white and should make your item look like you want it to.


If your BSShaderProperty does not call for vertex colors: Just turn 'em off.


The picture below shows where to find the vertex colors toggle.




And this one shows you wher to see if they are called for or not.




You could always just try to turn off vertex colors in the BSShader and the NiTriData, but if you find your item is too dark in game then you may wish to turn them back on.

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@Perrain, LittleBaron


Thanks for the advice, but that didn't do the trick. In fact the robe (main body) didn't have vertex colors on (as Perrain already mentioned) - and it is the one with the shadow.

nevertheless I gave it a try and switched vertex colors off at the sleeves, which had them on - but expectedly no difference to the situation shown in my pictures above.

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Try right clicking on the NiTriShape -> mesh -> face normals ... Sometimes this has the effect of changing the lighting and appearance of some triangles ...


I do no that Bethesda were dreadfully and pathetically sloppy in the creation and finishing of many meshes in Skyrim, no vertex normals, missing bones, badly aligned UV maps, mismatched per pixel lighting ... the list goes on, it could be that this mesh is just one of those worthless pieces of junk that Bethesda released and called a 'finished' product.


Maybe see if there is a replacement mesh mod somewhere on the Nexus (or internet) that did a better job on the 3D model

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It's a shading issue. The only way to fix is edit the geometry. If you delete that inner edgeloop on the shirt part that is right in the sleeve hole, then attach the sleeves and weld those edge loops to fix any gaps, then detach the sleeves as an element, this will create a hard edge seam, to fix that add an edit normal modifier, select all the verts where those 2 elements are split and unify normals, then you can detach the sleeves from the shirt and there is a seamless transition.


make the _1 morph the same, transfer the skinning, add dismember, then export.

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Hahaha - in half of your post I don't even know what you are talking about.


Seriously - I am glad to be able handling NifSkope (more or less) - I assume you are talking about Blender (or similar). I am not able to use them. So I will have to live with the shades, maybe add a leatherstrip to the texture or something, so it would look natural.


But thanks for your advice - at least now I know that I can not fix it ;-)

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