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Better Locational Damage & Raiders Overhaul Installation


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Someone told me to install Better Locational Damage, Raider Overhaul, and Super Mutant Redux at the same time. I activated the Raider Overhaul And Super Mutant Reduc mods first.


When activating the BLD, I chose the box to indicate I already installed Raider overhaul.


Now I'm being asked if I am to allow BLD to override the ESP installed by Raider Overhaul.


Is that what it is supposed to do?




EDIT -- Surely something is off, because I CTD within seconds of launching the game. So that's new.

Edited by SirGalahad
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Override Raider Overhaul with BLD files. IIRC, you should also get that option for Super Mutant Redux. Otherwise there will be some incompatibilities between BLD and those mods. It might not be noticeable, but BLD won't be working entirely right.


You shouldn't be getting crashes from any of those 3 mods. Make sure that you've sorted your load order with LOOT. Other than that, I'd look at other mods for issues before those 3.



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