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Look what I've made


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Ok do you still remember the pics of an aqua race which I showed ya some time ago? Well I did that race all over again and added it a bit. I think this one is much better than the aqua race.

Coz I changed it a bit it doesn't seems like an aqua elf anymore so I dropped the aqua skill thing :P ...It's now some sort of demon like elf (and called it Dahrjiin, it was originaly the name for another elf race but I never finihed that one)...so please post your comments...btw the mesh of the head is part an modified head of Rhedd. But I had to do the animation part all over again coz I've modified it...The texture is entirely (hmm is that a good english word <_< ) made by me...

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THX! not yet :P I have to make a few adjustments on the skill thing make it a little less powerfull cos every skill thing is still set to 50 which is a bit high for a normal starting character but I'll fix that tomorow and I'll put it online and give the link
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........after this you should make a city for them, and add a story to them and such.....

heheh thx all, @ Slaiv yeah I'm allready desiging some buildings for this race, I allready wanted to make a city and some more faces for this race. I'm currently working on a female version of this one cos I only made an male. But I don't know if I'm going to finish the city thing cos it's a lot of work creating new homes and such... ^_^

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It really looks cool. I hope you will finish the females and the city.

BTW... you could ask for some help in Team Recruitment, unless you really want to do it all on your own.

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Hey Geonox,

I am in the process of making a TC mod for morrowind. If you are interested in joining us, we could use your Dahrjiin and thier town. B) If you're interested, email me or just post back here. I will send you details of the mod ;)

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Ok here is a 3d max render of the buildinng which I've made so you could see the achitecture-style of the Dahrjiin. I'm going to make it some kind of egyptian style mixed with some old persian styles orso :P . But I've made one (also my first) building today and I think it would be more fun when I just make some loose walls and doors and such so that you won't have a standart amount of buildings but that you can design the size and height and such yourself (just like the interoir peices but then for the exteroir). So that you can design your own building instead of having a allready-designed building like the ones in morrowind...
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