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it is cencorship. It's not negative in any way though. By officially examining and suppressing unacceptable parts. you are the offical or authority that is doing so. I don't see why people put so much claim on words as being nagative.


It's like the word "sexy" who is to say "sexy" is so wrong or negative?


I can understand people will think more about the association of words more than their actual meaning but i wasn't trying to put any negative claim to anything.


No, its not censorship. I do get that this feels like its targeted at people who make "sexy" mods (since those get the most vociferous complaints from idiots, after all), but by no means is this an official examining and suppression of the contents of a mod.


What it is is accurately marking the contents of a mod, and allowing people to use that meta-data to filter their searches. Yes it can also be used to block out an entire type of mod, but that is entirely at the user's discretion.


For an example, I'm active on an anime related image archiving site, that is rather fanatical about tagging images as thoroughly as possible, where for example I can search for an image with two girls, at least one of which has blue hair, one of which has red eyes, and one of which is wearing a swimsuit, and get nearly 300 results that fit that. I can also use the tags to block out every image of, for example, a girl with long black hair, should I so desire. The ability to do that is not "censorship", no more than giving me the ability to filter out male-only armors here on Nexus, or someone else filtering out female-only ones, is censorship.


Trust me, if I felt there was actual "censorship" at work here, I'd be first in line objecting, but there isn't. This is in fact the way things should have worked from the beginning. The real question will be if we can institute a site-wide philosophy of thorough tagging by both mod creators and users, because without that, it won't work.

Edited by Nephenee13
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You can definitely report files that have every single tag confirmed, it's a blatant abuse of the system. They're also stupidly gimping themselves with this filtering system as well.


As for not being able to tag files because an author has denied the option, I'll have a think on it.


Tagging cannot be optional. Or, more accurately, the system won't work if people can opt their mods out entirely. There is no good reason for that to be done, since tagging is entirely harmless (assuming you've fixed that bug about not being able to undo an accidental +99 without clicking 100 times...)

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Great news! Finally I can filter out all mods without Michel Jackson wearing 18th century hats in them!


@ uglydemon

Yes, the blocking system will work in the Latest Files section. (At least it does in the other Nexus sites.)


Moreover, this talk about censorship stuff is just silly. Why would it be a problem for anyone if people get the option to filter out stuff they don't like? I'm pretty good at determining what content does or does not benefit my game, regardless if some mod authors find my tastes "narrow-minded" and would prefer I was forced to see their stuff because they feel it might "improve" my game.

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I use to let users tag my files until people started to tag my files wrong.


Some users i would notice would tag my files as "spanish" or "modders resorce, etc.... I try the best i can to tag my files justly but i have turned off the option since then for user to tag my files.


Edit: I am not going to argue about cencorship... I appologize about even bringing it up.


It just makes me sad to read people talking about blocking this and blocking that.... this seems more like a thread as an excuse to flame and bash mods they don't like indirrectly.... :/

Edited by colourwheel
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I use to let users tag my files until people started to tag my files wrong.


That is far nearer to censorship than any self-regulated filtering system. You must see this!?

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Hi colourwheel! nice to see your still around.

Think we need to take a step back people, there will be as many opinions as there are members of this site.


I personaly let every thing through and will never tag anything that I wish to filter, I check out all the new mods at least twice a day and use my own judgement as to what I may or maynot enjoy, I do skip past some mods probably just because the way there named (brains work that way lol) then I go and watch one of gopher's mod vids or some such and see them in action and think wow how did I miss that and promptly go get it, this is why I don't filter.


I get a buzz just seeing what modders do, it absolutely stuns me at times,I've had a dabble with blender etc and know I could never match even the basic mods, I whant to see them all!


Censorship in any form is a rocky road tho (just ask the press) and I think we have to trust in Dark0ne's judgement to keep things on an even keel, he's done an amazing job thus far and long may he contiue!


If mods do start getting blocked this site will get maginalised and no one wants that.


Just one last thing and it's only my opinion, the Victorian's and other groups have alot to answer for as far as sex and the female form are concerned! sex! the most fun you had without laughing!

The naked female form is the most beautiful thing ever created, it's about time the Human race grew up and start thinking for themselves rather than being indoctrinated by thier elders beliefs.


I don't see people complaining about getting decapitated, blood and gore all over the place, so why get so hung up on the beautiful side of life, sorry but it's beyond me.


Now I've just gotta go slay some dragons wearing not much more than a smile and a whooping great sword :)


Be Happy! Be safe!


Long Live the Nexus, for all to enjoy.

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I use to let users tag my files until people started to tag my files wrong.





That is far nearer to censorship than any self-regulated filtering system. You must see this!?





@Hickory. I don't care if you think what i do is cencorship. If people are tagging my files wrong, why should I let user have control how my files are being tagged? Like I said I justly try to tag my files correctly. I don't blatantly tag my files wrong. who should know better what content is in ones files than the creator?


Dark0ne has given authors the right to let them enable or disable tagging. Unless he wishes to change this, it's the Authors prerogative to do so.

Edited by colourwheel
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"Censorship" is being denied information or material (and perhaps even any knowledge of its existence) by someone else serving in an "official" capacity.


"Freedom" is being able to choose for oneself what information and materials one actively seeks, or passively encounters.


"Maturity" is recognizing the difference and wisely opposing the former when it's unwarranted, while exercising the latter appropriately.

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I use to let users tag my files until people started to tag my files wrong.

That is far nearer to censorship than any self-regulated filtering system. You must see this!?

@Hickory. I don't care if you think what i do is cencorship. If people are tagging my files wrong, why should I let user have control how my files are being tagged? Like I said I justly try to tag my files correctly. I don't blatantly tag my files wrong. who should know better what content is in ones files than the creator?


Dark0ne has given authors the right to let them enable or disable tagging. Unless he wishes to change this, it's the Authors prerogative to do so.


I was simply trying to point out that you are doing, in a more direct manner, what you were accusing others of doing -- censorship. By blocking the views of others on your content, you are acting as sole arbiter. There can be no stronger argument for censorship than a single person's views, author or not.

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