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First off, gripers don't necessarily have the resources to make their own non-skimp'd armor, so it's not fair to just write them off.


More like they don't want to even try.


6 months ago I had never modded a game before in my life, never touched Blender or any other 3d program.


Now? Now I'm nearing 30 released mods, and am getting to the point where I hope to be able to make my own outfits, instead of just modifying/adjusting existing mods.

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You might want to think that through a little more thoroughly. First off, gripers don't necessarily have the resources to make their own non-skimp'd armor, so it's not fair to just write them off.

I have thought it through. And I feel it is fair. If someone doesn't have the talent/resource/knowledge to make what they feel is a nice addition to the game, then they shouldn't complain about others who are doing just that. Should I gripe about the lack of new bows added to the game ? I see oodles of swords, but very few bows. No, I should be aggressive and venture to craft my own - and then share it with the community. Anyway, that's my view on all this - so many who gripe, so few who contribute.


As far as your realism claim, even the most "realistic" gamer takes into account the fact they are taking part in an escapist art; if you can't take that as a given, you wouldn't be playing video games.

And realism, I've already stated my opinion. But I'd like to add that I feel its the least needed tag. A female going into battle wearing nothing but a bikini is no more unrealistic then that same girl - fully armored - shooting frost and flames from her hands.


@Nephenee13: That's awesome. 30 mods ! I'm at 5, hope to finish at 7 before I throw in the towel. Kudos to you for your contributions. :)


EDIT: And another "down rep" ! It's a two-for sale :)

Edited by brokefoot
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So I took the hint and just tried the "files without tags" link in your post...and I'm getting a 404. But I also just got off work and I'm totally braindead, so that could very well be a case of me jumping the gun, misunderstanding your post, being totally asleep at the keyboard...yeah. Either that or people are amazing and went through and tagged everything already! Hey, it could happen....


EDIT: Ahaha, as I suspected, I'm too tired to be looking at the internets right now. Skyrimnexus not being converted yet and all. *facepalms forever* Uh, my eagerness to help's gotta count for something...?

Edited by ciceqi
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Thank you nexus team for your continued hard work! After reading through the news release, I would suggest a modification to the non author tagging process, currently, from the description on the home page, the function would work as follows: Three members must propose the tag - whereupon it is 'confirmed'


Instead I would suggest an alteration similar to:

1. The mod uploader has a chance to set all available tags to 'agree' or 'disagree' (obviously only one can be true at one time, however it may be optional to assign ANY value to a tag - depending on how well that tag suits the content)

2. Any other member who has downloaded the file (more than two hours ago as is currently the case for endorsement) can then submit their own opinion on whether or not any specific tag applies (agree or disagree).

3. Whether or not the tag is 'confirmed' or would show as active would therefore depend on the cumulative value of that mod's specific tag's scoring by members. If the number of 'agrees' exceeds the number of 'disagrees' then it is automatically active.


EDIT: I should clarify - in the following section I mean ratio as opposed to a simple increment


It would also be possible to expand such a system's functionality in the future by use of a sorting algorithm based on the ratio of agrees to disagrees. In this way you could represent how well a mod suits that particular tag based on the user's opinions (for example it could assist in identifying which mods have a more consistently 'lore friendly' rating, such as those which are very lore friendly perhaps receiving several agrees for every disagree while others are only 'sort of' lore friendly receiving only slightly more agrees than disagrees (currently three more) - which would be shown by the ratio of agrees to disagrees. This overcomes the issue of a mod's tag being rather controversial, for example having 300 people agree it deserves the tag and 297 who disagree would currently mean the tag is active - with no differentiation from 580 people agreeing and 20 disagreeing...


I would also suggest that tags be separated in terms of the mod core functionality as opposed to optional functionality - for example mods that have a core which is safe for work, but have optional components that are not safe for work.


The impact: well it would have to be coded which would likely involve assigning two variables to each tag instead of one (an agree count and a disagree count - rather than the cumulative result) as well as a GUI tweak to incorporate the additional button that would be required (a thumbs up and a thumbs down perhaps?) (struck through because the up down arrows are there and I poorly explained it) as well as for each member's tagging history (whether they have agreed/disagreed with any tags for any mods), this would increase the space requirements for mod data as well as member data. It would also increase the processing time in order to display results of tag queries (because the comparison of agree and disagree counts) would need to be calculated - particularly if the ratio approach is being used - but I would suggest that such a thing could easily be incorporated into member preferences or into the advanced search.

Edited by 43rdFloorGuardian
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This is awesome. The third improvement is great!!! My previous Id got banned and accused of piracy..so I put the pic on my profile of the actual game I bought in November .. at Game Stop. The content filtering will be nice!!!




There's a ban appeal for a reason, you choose to ignore that ban appeal.


So you won't get to enjoy the content filtering



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I ran across a mod with the option to tag turned off, but the author never bothered doing any tagging, either. Now, I can understand not forcing an author to tag their mods, but it seems odd that they can opt out of other people tagging them, too. Similarly, I see comments about authors using every tag. What exactly can be done about that? Should we be able to/can we report a file for abuse of the tag system?


Relating to the argument over what makes a mod lore friendly or realistic, I can see where the concerns come from. However, when people say realistic, they tend to mean immersion and cohesive with the rest of the environment. Hence how a dragon could be realistic in the Elder Scrolls games, but not F cups with a fifteen inch waist. Regarding lore friendliness, I can't remember who said it but I remember reading over a thread a few months ago where someone pointed out there being a distinct difference between lore friendly and lore accurate. Lore friendly only means it doesn't actively brake the lore, so a new town or race could be seen as lore friendly, just nor lore accurate. Lore accurate, on the other hand, would be a mod that follows everything completely and only plays in the realms of known. I'd also consider it a bit of a scale, myself, with lore accurate on one end, lore unfriendly on the other, and lore friendly somewhere in the middle.

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