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Invincible actors check my Load Order plz

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Hey guys and girls I added some mods to new vegas and now more often then not actors I go up against are invincible.

No exceptions will not die even by console commands or other means. Maybe its something in my load order so have a look below and please respond. Thank you. :thumbsup:


[X] FalloutNV.esm

[X] DeadMoney.esm

[X] HonestHearts.esm

[X] OldWorldBlues.esm

[X] LonesomeRoad.esm

[X] GunRunnersArsenal.esm

[X] ClassicPack.esm

[X] MercenaryPack.esm

[X] TribalPack.esm

[X] CaravanPack.esm

[X] NosCo Companion System.esm

[X] More Perks.esm

[X] Caliber.esm

[X] CaliberXhonesthearts.esm

[X] CaliberXgunrunners.esm

[X] CASE.esm

[X] Leveled List Organizer.esm

[X] MoMod.esm

[X] SCAV.esm

[X] Craft Master.esm

[X] Craft Pack.esm

[X] IWS-Core.esm

[X] Lings.esm

[X] Night Vision Goggles.esm

[X] MikotoBeauty.esm

[X] CFWNV.esm

[X] Project Nevada - Core.esm

[X] Project Nevada - Equipment.esm

[X] DFB - Random Encounters.esm

[X] The Mod Configuration Menu.esp

[X] MikotoBPWastersOverhaul.esp

[X] IWS-MoMod.esp

[X] 10mmPistol Stripped.esp

[X] Leveled List Organizer.esp

[X] LLO-Base Patch-Overhaul.esp

[X] LLO-Partial Patch-CASE.esp

[X] CASE-Rebalance.esp

[X] LLO-Partial Patch-CFWNV.esp

[X] LLO-Compatibility Patch-CFWNV.esp

[X] CASE-Honest Hearts Patch.esp

[X] ILO - NSkies Patch.esp

[X] ILO - NSkies URWLified Patch.esp

[X] WeaponJamming.esp

[X] Weekend Never Dies.esp

[X] FireaxeInFirehoseBox - MoreTools.esp

[X] UWHNV-Core.esp

[X] Cosmetic Cigarettes.esp

[X] Cosmetic Cigarettes -No Smoke.esp

[X] Courier Armor.esp

[X] UWHNV-Addon-DLC.esp

[X] Water Purification Overhaul V1.0A.esp

[X] Egg Hatchery.esp

[X] Ghouled Freeside Childs.esp

[X] Expanded Ranger Combat Armors.esp

[X] PerkEveryLevel.esp

[X] SbS_Shotgun.esp

[X] Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp

[X] Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp

[X] Project Nevada - Old World Blues (No Cyberware).esp

[X] Project Nevada - Lonesome Road.esp

[X] Project Nevada - Gun Runners' Arsenal.esp

[X] CONELRAD 640-1240.esp

[X] Continue After End V1.7.esp

[X] Killable Children.esp

[X] LatinMachete.esp

[X] More Perks Update.esp

[X] ALLraces.esp

[X] IWS-Core-Patrols.esp

[X] IWS-Core-Guards.esp

[X] IWS-Core-Civilians.esp

[X] IWS-DM.esp

[X] IWS-HH.esp

[X] IWS-OWB.esp

[X] IWS-LR.esp

[X] MEU(SOC) 1911-45ACP.esp

[X] Might of the Mojave.esp

[X] pipboy2500_edisleado.esp

[X] podlair.esp

[X] PortableCampsite.esp

[X] ExplosivesRecipes.esp

[X] BinglesMeleeComplete.esp

[X] BinglesMelee4Every1Common.esp

[X] Classic Plasma Grenade.esp

[X] dD-Reduced Dismember Force - EVE.esp

[X] dD-Smaller Wounds - EVE.esp

[X] Glock18c.esp

[X] hz_BAMR.esp

[X] Mossberg590.esp

[X] NCR Redesigned.esp

[X] NCR_Redesigned_-_only_armor.esp

[X] Nevada Mercenary.esp

[X] NV Desert Eagle.esp

[X] Pew Pew Pew Pew Pew Pew.esp

[X] Pipebombs.esp

[X] Breathing Mask Fix.esp

[X] GlovesGalore.esp

[X] GlovesGalore_DeadMoney.esp

[X] Shotgun Commando.esp

[X] Sierra Madre Martini Fix.esp

[X] SLCPD Vest.esp

[X] HZSmoothLight.esp

[X] QS_Blackwolf_NV_Backpackmod.esp

[X] BlackMountainThugArmorAth.esp

[X] Boon of the Boomers.esp

[X] Bozar50rounds.esp

[X] bzArmour.esp

[X] bzBodySuits.esp

[X] LeatherBackpack - eng.esp

[X] LessWhiteLegWeaponry.esp

[X] NCR Ranger Helmet Neck Cover.esp

[X] Sunglasses Shipment.esp

[X] Sunglasses Shipment - Merchant.esp

[X] Tailor Maid - NV.esp

[X] TheBackpack.esp

[X] Zombie Serenade.esp

[X] The Need For Speed.esp

[X] The_Road_Warrior.esp

[X] ThrowingWeapons.esp

[X] TKO.esp

[X] UrgeWasterScarf.esp

[X] RHF-30_backpacks.esp

[X] w44Satchels - Full.esp

[X] w44Satchels - Lite.esp

[X] LingsPrettyThings.esp

[X] KORs Pistol Harness JG.esp

[X] KORs Pistol Harness.esp

[X] MasterAmmoLoader.esp

[X] Realistic_Repair_NV.esp

[X] Real Weapon Names.esp

[X] Arpy Recipes.esp

[X] 22Revolver.esp

[X] MiscItemIconsNV.esp

[X] Missile Launcher DeBulked.esp

[X] MobsterShotgun.esp

[X] More Real-World Chem Names - v2.esp

[X] Ironsight_fix2011-12-15(peepsightOFF).esp

[X] JM1Garand4Loot.esp

[X] RWD-NV v1.4 [standard Version].esp

[X] RWD-NellisArtillery Fix 1.0.esp

[X] Burning CampFire.esp

[X] Chainsaw Realistic.esp

[X] Charlies NCR Correctional Facility Clean-up 1.esp

[X] chestrig.esp

[X] Creatures Balance Overhaul.esp

[X] Debullked_Mini_guns.esp

[X] NCR Camelpacks Default.esp

[X] DinnerBellupgrade.esp

[X] Grays_EverybodyBleeds.esp

[X] Handgun Perks v1.3.esp

[X] HoldKeyToSneak.esp

[X] Holster Gear.esp

[X] Moddable Unique Weps.esp

[X] AshAndGooBegone.esp

[X] [atomic mods] backpacks_nv_eng.esp

[X] 9mmAuto.esp

[X] More Realistic Aiming.esp

[X] Quick Trade.esp

[X] Reactive People - Ultimatum.esp

[X] Realistic death.esp

[X] Robots Balance Overhaul.esp

[X] Trackable Blood and Footprints.esp

[X] UltimateExplosives1_2.esp

[X] LittleTimmy Companion mod v2 UPDATED.esp

[X] WastelandGasMask.esp

[X] DragbodysArmorPackNoHH_NV.esp

[X] UsableCigarettes.esp

[X] iRodent - Vault 42.esp

[X] WastelandGourmet.esp

[X] WeaponModsExpanded.esp

[X] Craft Pack-Primer Craft.esp

[X] Craft Pack-Reloading Rebalance.esp

[X] Craft Pack-Ammo.esp

[X] Craft Pack-Chemicals.esp

[X] Craft Pack-Cooking.esp

[X] Craft Pack-Crafting Equipment.esp

[X] Craft Pack-Equipment.esp

[X] Craft Pack-Equipment Breakdown.esp

[X] Craft Pack-Misc.esp

[X] M-1 Carbine.esp

[X] Project Nevada - WMX.esp

[X] WMX-ModernWeapons.esp

[X] WMX-MW-GRA.esp

[X] WMX-HonestHearts.esp

[X] WMX-LonesomeRoad.esp

[X] WMX-GunRunnersArsenal.esp

[X] WMX-PreOrderPackClassic.esp

[X] WMX-PreOrderPackCaravan.esp

[X] WMX-PreOrderPackMercenary.esp

[X] WMX-PreOrderPackTribal.esp

[X] ScientistPackWMX.esp

[X] EVE FNV.esp

[X] AllBeardPlayable.esp

[X] Project Nevada - EVE.esp

[X] Nevada Skies.esp

[X] ProjectRealityMkIv5HDR.esp

[X] Frontier.esp

[X] Classic Colt M1911.esp

[X] Ghoul Trait 2.0.esp

[X] Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp

[X] mo mods real ajustment.esp

[X] ELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.esp

[X] Lings-PlayableRaces.esp

[X] RecycleTheWasteland.esp

[X] Reflectron.esp

[X] Overlord.esp

[X] ProjectileTweaksCaliberX.esp

[X] GRA - The Right to Bear Arms.esp

Edited by Exoduspriest
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Wow your running way to many mods o_O With more perks there is a perk called run like the wind it has three stages to it and is fast enough on the third level so I'd lose the need for speed mod


IWS is unstable and hasn't been updated in a long time



LLO and ILO I have no clue what mods they are!..


I use one weapon mod and that's AlexScorpion Sniper gear it's good enough and all that is needed, the GRA and all the DLC's add enough weapons

Edited by Craigsters
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So you guys are saying there are too many mods well everything runs stable except the problem with Invincible actors. Which is what I need someone to focus on helping me fix. As for Need for Speed Mod I've read the info on the download page prior. That mod does adjustments to accuracy and damage not so much firing rate. Thank you greatly for your responses never the less. I'll still be waiting on a helpful response to the problem at hand.
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I think luthienanarion and I have given you the best advice we could ,we both have high kudos not for no good reason but because others probably awarded them to us for helping them out with there game :rolleyes:


there such thing as too much of a good thing and your over doing it with the mods and probably have conflicts from to many

Edited by Craigsters
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Craigsters that's a lot of opinionated statements with an egotistical vibe it's easy to see I never said you guys didn't give the best advice to your ability. I even thanked you greatly for taking the time to post on it.With that said I am going to kindly ask you to respect the fact that I am simply reaching out to rest of the community of this forum for there advice as well.So please do not flame my post while I'm waiting for the answer from the person who will be able to fix this problem.
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I had an issue with invisible enemies, it was happening around the same time I had textures and meshes go missing. The fix for random missing textures and meshes is load less mods, I took an axe to my load order and the texture/mesh issue went away, as did the invisible enemies. Make of that what you will.
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well put jim_uk you provided an example of a problem you had and how you fixed it from this I can draw some better conclusions on my problem and how to fix it .I found your post all around helpful and hope you will answer more of my post in the future. :biggrin:

do you think maybe I could merge a few mods and that may help ?

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I believe shortening your load order was the exact advice I tried to give you. I can't speak from personal experience on loading too many plugins, because I know better than to load more than 139.


When people first started having issues similar to the one you described, plugin limits were tested extensively by users on this forum. A common determination from those who tested it was that the game loads and handles 139 plugins without a problem but starts breaking at 140. There are other factors involved, of course, but 140 is generally where the game starts losing textures, disabling functions, failing to update actor data, etc.


Forgive my lack of verbosity in my first post, but don't throw out my (or Craigster's) advice simply because it doesn't make sense to you. It does you absolutely no harm to uncheck plugins and run the game to see if your issue disappears.

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Not at all luthienanarion actually you coming back and elaborating on your first short post here changes my whole perspective on your enthusiasm to help me understand how plugins work and conflict in the case of the problem I'm having. which is what I was expecting in the beginning when I wrote this post. After all if I already knew everything about editing this game I wouldn't be here asking this question. Further more you still did not answer my question about merging some of my mods to decrease the count. would you care to shed some light on that? (Please and Thank you) :wink:
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