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Win64 DLC issue


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Hi all,


Hey, it's not good to go. Saving Beth DLC into disc does not work down the road. After trying the UE (and thought it was gonna work) it did not. So I brought the disk to a friend who can do legacy reads...no joy there either.


Other efforts to extract/use the data are null. Only a few of the "bits" will extract at all, some not at all, and none work. They show up in OBMM and in Wrye as patches. I see missing main files and then some.


Jerk me around, I can take it, but remember, I've already purchased the darn things outright and I have the keys to prove it. I can't find a way to re-download the content on the Beth site --which would solve the issue for me--but

all I find is XBOX files...what about others? Am I the only living dark elf in the world with this issue?


Thanks as always for your thoughts and guidance.










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Few days late here... sorry 'bout that.


You can't download the DLC's any more, unless you purchase the entire game again from Steam, or some other direct download site. There is the Knights of the Nine disk, that has all the DLC except battlehorn castle, that might be found at like amazon or some such... but again, you are paying for them again....

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Appears not. Though I have seen free XBOX versions floating around. Thank you all for your suggestions and advice. Appreciate them all very much.


And as Hey You would probably agree, it's not so much the cost of buying the downloads again (they were inexpensive) but the carelessness of Beth that rankles me. And I don't mean careless in the sense of not paying attention, but of caring less for the people who have supported their efforts and bought their products in the first place. It just bugs me.


(A little story)

I was telling this tale of woe to a friend of mine who has played Oblivion in the past--just ragging on it. Her 7 year old daughter asked why it bothered me and I explained it like this: Let's say I buy a tee shirt from LL Bean, wear it a couple of times and then stow it in my dresser drawer. A year later I decide I want to wear it. Should I have to pay LL again before I can put it on simply because I haven't used it lately?


She thought that was a very silly idea. And I do too.

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