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Anekke Crag-Jumper


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I have UFO mod installed so that among other things I can have more then one follower. So I recruited both Lydia and Anekke Crag-Jumper and explored with them for a while. After a quest at Darkwater Crossing camp I managed to lose AC-J in the mine and after many further hours exploring found her again at the camp. But .... she will not come with me despite saying that she is following me and she is now married to Verne Rock-Chucker and they share a house at the camp. Any ideas on getting my follower back without executing Verne?


I am extremely impressed with Skyrim as a game and this added level of immersion with my follower getting wed and refrusing to follow me is a laugh but i do want to understand if i cn change things if i want to at some stage.



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"execute"...interesting word choice...sounds more intellectual than committing murder over a girl...:whistling:


You could probably pull up her character in CK and make her unmarriagable... or have you tried to change her relationship status via console commands?

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Annekke Crag-Jumper is married by default in the game, despite the fact that she will willingly follow you, shes already married to Verner Rock-Chucker. Sometimes you''ll hear him comment on her lack of concentration on mining and showing more interest in adventuring. It has no effect on her other than not making her a marriage option for the player. Even the quest to take a parcel to her daughter is given to you by Verner and Sylgja will not even acknowledge her mother if you have Annekke with you during this mini-quest

Edited by Perraine
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  • 4 years later...

I am facing the same problem, there are two pending quests on Anneke crag jumper, 1: Bring slyligia's mother anekke crag-jumper to shor's stone, 2: Kill bandit leader.

She is a married woman now and she is not leaving her home. The worst part is she is not evening any dialogues to talk. How can I finish these missions. She use to be my steward, I don't know how left my house and living with her husband.

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My guess would be that the AI for the quest to kill the nearby bandit leader is overriding the companion features. Complete that quest without her and she will probably rejoin you.



Anekke is married to Vernon from the beginning of the game. If she joined you *before* you completed her quest, that was only because a mod made it possible. Normally you have to complete her quest first. Now that her quest is active, you have to complete it before you can get her to rejoin.


She can't be married in vanilla for obvious reasons, but there are mods that set the flag to make it possible.

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