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Use Oldrim mods in SE? Possible?


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The meshes need to be converted with the NIF Optimiser Tool and any plugins need to be altered to work with the newer engine. I'm not exactly knowledgeable on this, but I have converted NIFs before for texture replacers and it does work, but I can tell you that any mods which contain a plugin for editing anything in-game or adding new stuff needs more work. If you're looking for a Dual-Sheath Redux type mod for SE, then this might be what you're looking for: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17763

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Was wondering how hard it is to port mods from Oldrim..(mainly weapon & armor mods) to SE?


Also currently looking for a Dual Sheath Redux mod for SE, but it dosn't seem to exist... does it? :/



Porting Oldrim to SSE, items wise, can be fairly straight forward. Some items can be just reopen and save in CK. And then of course you need to Optimize the NIF.


But something as extensive as Dual Seath... no. If you have to ask this question, then no! It's going to be a huge learning curve. The mod is everything but simple. However, there is already a dual seath mod on SSE. It was uploaded a few days ago.

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