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MCM is not detecting NVSE

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You should extract it to the Fallout News Vegas folder so that the NVSE_Loader.exe and all the DLL files end up in the same directory as the FalloutNVLauncher.exe and FalloutNV.exe

The data folder will extract properly into the data folder etc.

What is the error you're getting?

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You're getting security errors from NMM.


As of 08 May 2018, the Nexus has changed some site security to come into compliance with the new "European Union General Data Protection Regulation" (EU GDPR) rules. This breaks older versions of NMM and other tools using the older unsecured API. It is usually reported as being "blocked by the Windows firewall" or causing a "script" or "W3C XML Schema" error installing mods. You will need to update it from NMM on GitHub or this Nexus NMM download page. Check the version numbers between those sites and use the latest (v0.65.6 at this time). Please see this Nexus site news article for details.

Some people are finding that even after updating NMM to v0.65.4 they still get a "script exception" message when installing some mods (such as UIO and MCM). This seems to be resolved by this suggestion from user ElysianMod:
* Run NMM as an "Administrator privileges" account.
* Go to NMM "Settings".
* Enable "Add Shell Extensions for Supported File Types".
* Then restart NMM.
(Supposedly this fix will be included in the next "unofficial" update to NMM on GitHub after v0.65.4. Currently up to v0.65.6 but this error is not mentioned in the changelog.)


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I installed NMM again to the version on the Nexus download pg. Version 0.65.2-4-0-65-2 and I still get the error. ur other suggestion of running as admin and enabling "Add Shell Extensions for Supported File Types" worked! Thanks so much! Hopefully that will be all the prbs I have with installing NV mods until I decide to try TO2W later.

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Note that the GitHub version is being updated by the community and is on version 0.65.6. Nexus is no longer doing any active development on NMM (all those efforts are directed to Vortex), except that particular release to fix the EU GDPR requirement. But if you are working correctly now you shouldn't have any problems until something else changes.



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