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Should we side with Saadia or the Alik'r?


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My belief is that Saadia was innocent and the Alik'r are mere mercenaries.

Here is the reason why I feel that way:


And yes ... shameless plug is shameless. But then again, it's not against the rules to share a youtube video if it helps make a point in an otherwise legitimate discussion, and the rules don't seem to make an exception to this permission just because the person posting the video in the forum is the same guy that made the video in the first place. Besides, I'm not even monetized yet, so I'm not even getting paid for your views.

Anyway, what do you guys think? Edited by stebbinsd
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I will watch your video but first I will say what I think. I think that Saadia or more fitting "Iman" is lying. Why? Well, she said that the reason the Alik'r are after her is that she had spoken out against the Aldmeri Dominion and that the Alik'r "mercenaries" are after her because of that. Now why doesn't that make sense? Well first of, they are Alik'r - from Hammerfell, they are constantly fighting against the Aldmeri Dominion and Kematu said that Iman had sold the city out to them and were it not for her betrayal Taneth could had held it's ground in the war. So yeah I 100% think that Iman is lying a lot! She had also bribed Hulda to let her stay in the Inn and to have Iman call her mom, but she didn't want to go to the guards for help because they could be bought. Where's the logic there!? She more likely knew that the guards would know that her story is full of s*** and had her delivered to the Alik'r.


Edit: Ok I watched it now and I really see her side is more convincing now because I had missed a very very important fact in all my years playing Skyrim and that is the second treaty of stros m'kai. I thought that they were still fighting the Thalmor because I had not heard about that treaty. Well that changes everything then. So yeah, Kematu lied straight to our faces then when he said that the resistance against hammerfell is alive and well. Good video!

Edited by morogoth35
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I will watch your video but first I will say what I think. I think that Saadia or more fitting "Iman" is lying. Why? Well, she said that the reason the Alik'r are after her is that she had spoken out against the Aldmeri Dominion and that the Alik'r "mercenaries" are after her because of that. Now why doesn't that make sense? Well first of, they are Alik'r - from Hammerfell, they are constantly fighting against the Aldmeri Dominion and Kematu said that Iman had sold the city out to them and were it not for her betrayal Taneth could had held it's ground in the war. So yeah I 100% think that Iman is lying a lot! She had also bribed Hulda to let her stay in the Inn and to have Iman call her mom, but she didn't want to go to the guards for help because they could be bought. Where's the logic there!? She more likely knew that the guards would know that her story is full of s*** and had her delivered to the Alik'r.


I think you should watch the video first before posting your opinion.

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My belief is that Saadia was innocent and the Alik'r are mere mercenaries.


Here is the reason why I feel that way:



And yes ... shameless plug is shameless. But then again, it's not against the rules to share a youtube video if it helps make a point in an otherwise legitimate discussion, and the rules don't seem to make an exception to this permission just because the person posting the video in the forum is the same guy that made the video in the first place. Besides, I'm not even monetized yet, so I'm not even getting paid for your views.


Anyway, what do you guys think?


That's a good analysis. I never found her body in the catacombs (and I picked both endings several times during my numerous play-throughs) so that's a completely new bit of information. That, and the time difference between the Skyrim timeline and the Aldmeri withdrawal from Hammerfell are pretty convincing.

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Edit: Ok I watched it now and I really see her side is more convincing now because I had missed a very very important fact in all my years playing Skyrim and that is the second treaty of stros m'kai. I thought that they were still fighting the Thalmor because I had not heard about that treaty. Well that changes everything then. So yeah, Kematu lied straight to our faces then when he said that the resistance against hammerfell is alive and well. Good video!




That's a good analysis. I never found her body in the catacombs (and I picked both endings several times during my numerous play-throughs) so that's a completely new bit of information. That, and the time difference between the Skyrim timeline and the Aldmeri withdrawal from Hammerfell are pretty convincing.


Glad the two of you found my arguments to be compelling.


To both of you, please consider subscribing for more in-depth story analysis. I've already got three more videos like this one ...




... and I'm currently working on several more!

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