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Free the People in the Abandoned Shack mod? (Dark Brotherhood spoilers


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Is there a mod out there that makes it so when you kill one (or two) of the people, you can let the remaining ones free? I'm sure I'm not the only one who plays a "good" guy assassin and doesn't want to kill the mother nor just let her sit there on her knees rotting away forever.

I've even tried killing and reviving her via the console, but she just runs away and eventually comes back to the shack in the same position. I've tried searching everywhere but had no luck. If someone did make this mod theres no telling what it'd be called because like to give their mods weird names sometimes.

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Yeah. They just stay forever. Even if you kill them, their bodies stay forever. They should at least vanish from the game or something.
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i doubt anyone would post a mod like that unless it was apart of a package because thats a little simple, if it really bothers you than you could always fix it relatively easily in the creation kit, they probably have a sit AI Package so you could put in a travel package that runs after that stage in the quest and a sandbox for where ever you want them to travel, or since you would already have to find the quest you could just go to a later stage and put in a one line disable alias script fragment Edited by dfac364
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