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Custom Race Werewolf Transformation


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Heyo, I created a custom race based off Breton so I could use the PC Exclusive Animation Path and I've noticed that my werewolf transformations are really off. Basically what happens is that my character can walk/jump/run like normal with a werewolf-shaped effect over her while the transformation sounds play. After the transformation clicks over to complete, animations continue. Also, returning to normal no animations play like they do for the non-custom races. Anybody know how I can get the animations to play right?
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Your best bet would be to PM Seren4XX (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/modules/members/index.php?id=705688) who does the Ashen Oriental race, as if I recall correctly, there was a script file included within the download that fixed the custom race->werewolf->back transformations so that no nasty glitches happened.


Or if you have scripting knowledge you can download that file and see what he/she did to make it work (I have none lol).


Hope that helps,


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