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Nexus Mod Manager on a different hard drive


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I'm going to be upgrading my PC soon and was wondering if its possible to have Skyrim and NMM and FNIS on one hard drive and open NMM from another for example have Skyrim and NMM on hard drive A then have hard drive B be my main boot hard drive and make a shortcut to NMM and to FNIS and put the shortcuts on drive B would that work? (mods i wasn't sure if this should be in the troubleshoot section or to I apologise if it should be and will move it if it needs to be)

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The last time i upgraded i got a new hard drive as my boot drive and spent hours trying to get my skyrim mods back to how they were and i wasn't looking forward to doing so again but i had a shower thought of what if i made a short cut to my NMM (and FNIS as i precaution because i remember that being a major part of my troubles last time even if i don't remember exactly how i solved them) and then put them on a external hard drive or a memory stick and then if i do end up getting a new boot drive i won't have the same problem (probably going to have so other problem now that will be equally as hard perhaps more so now that I've said this)
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