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To get full Daedric without cheats......



Make a spell - Disinagrate armor

100-100 for one second on touch ................................................. Make spell calm humonoid

100 - 100 for 30 sec "Just bye one" ..................................................

Then go to tel fyr and you will find the guy with a full set of deadric armor.

Keep casting the disinagrate armor spell on him. Eventauly he will be stripped of his armor.

Once he has no armor on cast the calm humonoid spell and pick pocket his armor.

!!!!! ta da !!!!!!

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  FlightlessBird said:
Dude, did he just TRIPLE post? Man, apparently no one reads this because he did this over a 4 day time period. Is that allowed?

No it's not allowed, and I suggest you read the rules on vigilante posting.



Nafarius 0001, you have an edit button for a reason. Use it.

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Here is a tip for some real easy Constant Effect Soul Gems.



Soul Drinker, or another weapon that does Soul Trap

Azura's Star, although a Grand Soul Gem will do...

250 Magicka

Summon Golden Saint spell (or a scroll for low magic people)

Lots of Health


STEP ONE: With the Soul Gem ready, summon the Golden Saint

STEP TWO: Hit it with the Soul Trap then beat the living tar out of it

STEP 3: Capture the soul

STEP FOUR: Enchant to your hearts content!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to double post, but I wanted to keep this seperate from my other post and noone posted inbetween this and my other.


Anyways, I found a way to use telekensis for a longer time than it gives you.

What you do is cast Telekensis (ring, spell, scroll, potion) and while its on, make sure noone can see you (preferibly do this before you cast the spell) and right click to go to the menu where you can check your inventory and such. While the menu is open and the telekensis is still on, you can use your curser to pick stuff up, but your time doesnt run out until you right click again. It works if theres a lot of stuff in one area but your telekensis spell/scroll/potion/ring/whatever else has a short time limit. Its usually 5-15 seconds from what I've experienced. Its very useful.

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  • 1 month later...

You can make an enchanted item to restore your magicka.


Enchant the item with the spell: Drain Intelligence on Self 100 pts. for 1 second.

(You can buy the "Drain Blood" or "Distracting Touch" spells at various locations if you don't already know a drain attribute spell.)

When your intelligence drops to zero, your magicka will drop to zero too. After 1 second, your intelligence will return and your magicka reservoir will fill up to it's maximum.

Remove any intelligence fortifying items first. Your intelligence must drop to zero for this to work.

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  • 3 months later...

Easy money, skills, and levels:


One prerequisite: Your alchemy skill needs to be at a reasonable level, (no less than thirty) or this could take a while...


Begin by warping to the Caldera Mages Guild and Marking by Creeper in Ghorak Manor, or Marking by the talking mudcrab to the east of Vivec. Next, go back to the Caldera Mages Guild, and Steal , (or buy) the master's Mortar and Pestal, and all the other alchemy stuff in the tower. Go to the Sadrith Mora Mages Guild and talk to Tusamircil. (If your speechcraft is high, get his disposition up) Purchase crab meat, and kwama eggs (or hound meat, if you really want to. The purpose is to make Restore Fatigue potions.) Finalize the sale, then repeat. Continue until you have enough of each. ("Enough" should be defined by you. It really depends on how long you want to be there. Ignore your encumbrance, because if you followed above directions, you won't be walking anyways.) Cast Recall, and then start making potions. Every 20-30 potions you successfully make, your alchemy skill will increase (this is the rule for level 50-90 alchemists.) This is the skill portion of the trick. If alchemy is a major or minor skill, then this is also the level portion of the trick. When you finally run out of ingredients, then sell your potions to Creeper (or the Mudcrab) for a signifigant amount of money. This is the money portion of the trick. This is the easiest way to get money, skills, and levels *legally* in Morrowind. Plus if you made alchemy a Major skill and you are just starting a game, then this is especially helpful.

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  • 1 year later...
  wraithguard01 said:
Easy money, skills, and levels:


One prerequisite: Your alchemy skill needs to be at a reasonable level, (no less than thirty) or this could take a while...


Begin by warping to the Caldera Mages Guild and Marking by Creeper in Ghorak Manor, or Marking by the talking mudcrab to the east of Vivec. Next, go back to the Caldera Mages Guild, and Steal , (or buy) the master's Mortar and Pestal, and all the other alchemy stuff in the tower. Go to the Sadrith Mora Mages Guild and talk to Tusamircil. (If your speechcraft is high, get his disposition up) Purchase crab meat, and kwama eggs (or hound meat, if you really want to. The purpose is to make Restore Fatigue potions.) Finalize the sale, then repeat. Continue until you have enough of each. ("Enough" should be defined by you. It really depends on how long you want to be there. Ignore your encumbrance, because if you followed above directions, you won't be walking anyways.) Cast Recall, and then start making potions. Every 20-30 potions you successfully make, your alchemy skill will increase (this is the rule for level 50-90 alchemists.) This is the skill portion of the trick. If alchemy is a major or minor skill, then this is also the level portion of the trick. When you finally run out of ingredients, then sell your potions to Creeper (or the Mudcrab) for a signifigant amount of money. This is the money portion of the trick. This is the easiest way to get money, skills, and levels *legally* in Morrowind. Plus if you made alchemy a Major skill and you are just starting a game, then this is especially helpful.


I realize this might be thread necromancy but I feel like I have something to add. You can do what wraithgaurd said but change the ingredients to ash yams and bloats make a couple then drink them. The potions will increase your intelligence by a number depending on your current intellect. After you drink some make more and the effect will be better (because of your higher intelligence) plus they cost more then the generic ones. Hope this is helpful. :D Sorry moderators and admin if this is necromancy. :unsure:

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Well, people are still playing Morrowind and will do so for a long time and you are trying to help by contributing something new, so it's all good I think. :)


Threads like these were meant be expanded upon constantly anyway.

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