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Two Way Story


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It does not take Laren long to realize that the crystal hand-lamp is more than just a standard one as created by the Gnome Clans of the Lakelands Mountains. No, this one was crafted, was imbued by magic, by gnome mage-artisans of one of the elite guilds of those very same clans. Nor does it take her long to 'sense' that the compact crossbow, the crossbow bolts, the coil of rope with its hook and even the awful looking pocket flask, are also very 'magical'. The flask goes into a secure pocket, the rope goes into the backpack as do most of the crossbow bolts. Two crossbow bolts, with softly glowing crystal tips, go into a big old pouch where they barely fit because she moves some items to other pouches and the backpack. The backpack goes onto the back. She already has, of course, the light supple leather garb and the webbing of pouch dotted belts, the knife in its sheaf and the longsword in its scabbard.


The rock-longo continues slowly, steadily and powerful through the great pool of water that is much larger than Laren had earlier estimated it would be. She began to 'sense' approaching danger, saw gleaming red eyes in the darkness, but the things, what ever they were, did not approach. Perhaps they feared the rock-longo or perhaps some kind of magic held them back or perhaps there was some other reason but she had no way of knowing.


The rock-longo slowed to a halt in an area lit by glowing crystal stuff growing over the ceiling that was glowcrystal, a silicon based lifeform, if one could call it a 'lifeform'. Laren jumped lightly from the back of the rock-longo to the hard ground and drew out her longsword, the crossbow being slung over one shoulder. She moved with fluid grace, using the longsword with obvious skill and experience. The sword was not magical but in her hands it was a highly lethal weapon. It was a well designed and made weapon being hard, sharp and well balanced. It was also very well cared for.


When the red eyed cave creature lunged out of the shadows, it came with a gaping jaw of great teeth and extended claws. It was a cave catiger, a sterile neuter created by twisted dark sorcery. It was thickly furred but filthy and clearly underfed though not starving. Laren stepped smartly to one side, with impressive speed and agility, to swing her sword through the air. She neatly sliced off the head of the twisted beast as it continued to fly through the air. With a splash both body and head went into the water. Moments later there was a strange thrashing and splashing as many hungry, savage creatures fed on the dead catiger.


Does Laren


(1) Pause to fight other threats that might appear


(2) Move on away from the water along a pathway between big rocky outcrops rising out of the cavern floor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Please, somebody, anybody, respond or I will have to close up the story. Just copy one of the below and paste it into your post.


(1) Pause to fight other threats that might appear


(2) Move on away from the water along a pathway between big rocky outcrops rising out of the cavern floor.

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(2) Move on away from the water along a pathway between big rocky outcrops rising out of the cavern floor.

Nothing to be sorry about, grannywils, I just wish others would contribute.


Laren moves away from where she killed the catiger and deeper into the cavern. She does so by following a pathway between big rocky outcrops that rise from the floor. As she goes, the half human she-wolf 'senses' more danger. She is not alone in that great rocky space. Some areas are more lit up than others but as she moves along the pathway Laren is glad it is not too brightly lit up for that would make her into more of a target. The cavern opens up, kind of twisting around so it is much larger than it first seemed it would be. In the distance is a large pyramid structure that seems to be carved out of rock. Before the pyramid are two big statues of very ancient deities being a god and a goddess.


They are the Goddess Irenavisa and the God Iranovisa, sister and brother who had a rather unusual relationship with each other. They were dark deities who demanded human and other live sacrifices though only a very few a year and the sacrifices had to be true volunteers. Some of their follower cults still exist in the congested cramped madness of the Dark Blood Cities on the Stygian Coast. There are many such cults in that city, cults led by dark wizards and wizardesses. The artifacts could be in the pyramid but she has a strong 'sense' that matters would be so easy, that she has been given a much greater challenge than that.


Yes, the start of the adventure has been simple except she can not remember how she got into the caves in the first place. Where was the rest of her stuff and her companions?


There was a clear path that ran straight to the pyramid but her she-wolf self was telling her it was too 'easy', was to vulnerable to ambush. One catiger might be easy enough to deal with but they often worked in packs and thus could be much more dangerous. So Laren left the easy, obvious path and began to make her way towards the pyramid in a more indirect fashion. Soon she was deep into the great cavern as the half human she-wolf followed another, less obvious path. Once she came upon the left overs of a crude fire and a meal of cave-rats. Signs there indicated that at least three catigers had gotten themselves something extra to eat. She did not hate catigers, could 'sense' that they were abused and oppressed by the one who had created them in a process that was itself agonizing.


Perhaps she could tame one or more of them but that was not a primary goal. Anyway she would need to destroy the one who controlled them, or at least remove the form of control, before she could 'tame' or even befriend any of the catigers.


There was a particular statue ahead of her, a hulking catiger but with the head of a woman. This was a Spinx like entity but she did not know the name of it though she prided herself on having much of that kind of knowledge. She wondered if she should approach it or not.


(1) Laren goes towards the statue!

(2) Laren avoids going near the statue!


Please copy and paste your choice into your own post! Thanks!

Edited by Maharg67
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Laren moves away from where she killed the catiger and deeper into the cavern. She does so by following a pathway between big rocky outcroppings that rise from the floor. As she goes, she senses more danger. She is not alone in this great rocky space. Some areas are better than others, but as she moves along she is glad it is not too brightly lit for it would make her more of a target. The cavern opens up, twisting into a much larger space than she first expected it to be In the distance is a large pyramid structure that seems to be carved out of rock. Before the pyramid are two large statues of very ancient deities; a god and a goddess.


They are the Goddess Irenavisa and the God Iranovisa, sister and brother who had a rather unusual relationship with each other. They were dark deities who demanded live sacrifices, both human and otherwise; although only a very few a year and the sacrifices had to be true volunteers. Some of their follower cults still exist in the congested cramped madness of the Dark Blood Cities on the Stygian Coast. There are many such cults in that city, cults led by dark wizards and enchantresses. The artifacts could be in the pyramid but she has a strong sense that matters would be so easy, that she has been given a much greater challenge than that.


Yes, the start of the adventure has been simple except she can not remember how she got into the caves in the first place. Where was the rest of her gear and her companions?


There was a clear path that ran straight to the pyramid but her she-wolf self was telling her it looked too easy and was too susceptible to ambush. One catiger might be easy enough to deal with but they often worked in packs and thus could be much more dangerous. So Laren left the easy, obvious path and began to make her way towards the pyramid via a more indirect route. Soon she was deep into the great cavern following a less obvious path. Once she came upon the remains of a fire and a crude meal of cave-rats. Signs there indicated that at least three catigers had gotten themselves something extra to eat. She did not hate catigers, could sense that they were abused and oppressed by the one who had created them in a process that was itself agonizing.


Perhaps she could tame one or more of them but that was not a primary goal as it would require that she destroy the one who controlled them, or at least remove the control mechanism before she could 'tame' or even befriend any of the catigers.


There was an interesting statue ahead of her, a hulking catiger but with the head of a woman. She did not know the name of this Sphinx-like entity, although she prided herself on her knowledge of the names of these mythical creatures. She wondered if she should approach it or not.


Laren goes towards the statue!





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There was a clear path that ran straight to the pyramid but her she-wolf self was telling her it looked too easy and was too susceptible to ambush. One catiger might be easy enough to deal with but they often worked in packs and thus could be much more dangerous. So Laren left the easy, obvious path and began to make her way towards the pyramid via a more indirect route. Soon she was deep into the great cavern following a less obvious path. Once she came upon the remains of a fire and a crude meal of cave-rats. Signs there indicated that at least three catigers had gotten themselves something extra to eat. She did not hate catigers, could sense that they were abused and oppressed by the one who had created them in a process that was itself agonizing.


Perhaps she could tame one or more of them but that was not a primary goal as it would require that she destroy the one who controlled them, or at least remove the control mechanism before she could 'tame' or even befriend any of the catigers.


There was an interesting statue ahead of her, a hulking catiger but with the head of a woman. She did not know the name of this Sphinx-like entity, although she prided herself on her knowledge of the names of these mythical creatures. She wondered if she should approach it or not.


Laren goes towards the statue!


As Laren gets closer to the statue, she becomes increasingly aware that there is something unusual about it in a rather disturbing fashion. Is it really just a statue? She has heard of ancient civilizations who constructed statues that were actually magical artifacts or quasimagical machines. She readies herself with her crossbow. A strange, unpleasant smell reaches her that comes from no catiger. No, this is somehow worse for this is of the undead. Then she sees the morgue light glimmer of a floating sphere of energies and stooping before the great Sphinx like statue (catiger and human head) is a skeletal thin old man in rotting, once glorious, metallic silken robes of unknown make.


At once Laren, part human she-wolf, prepares for trouble for this is a lich, a form of undead usually created through dark necromantic or related magics. The lich is still, staring at the ground as if it has no idea that Laren is there but the she-wolf woman is not fooled in the slightest. She advances and prepares to fight.


The lich explodes into action and hurls itself towards Laren with amazing speed and power, suddenly showing a long glistening green scummed longsword that once would have looked most regal. As the lich flies through the air at Laren, mouth open to expose huge fangs, she fires a bolt into the thing. As soon as she fires the crossbow magic takes place, the crossbow glowing softly, and three bolts fly through the air instead of just one. As the magical bolts strike the lich monster they explode in flashes of bright flaming light. The lich screams and dies, burning away into ash and the sword crashing to the ground.


Laren is almost disappointed at the ease at which the lich was killed but happy enough to have suffered no damage and to have gained such a wondrous magical crossbow and bolts. The only real problem is that the death of the lich and the use of such magic could have alerted other dark magic-users in the area of Laren being there and of her possessing strong magic.


(1) Laren examines the longsword


(2) Laren ignores the longsword

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