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Interview with an eight yr old


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K is an extremely bright young lady. She gets straight A's in school, participates in atheletics, music, Girl Scouts and helps with the elderly at various centers. She currently tests three levels higher than her grade. She is well behaved, bright and well spoken. She excels in math and reading and plans to be a teacher some day.


She wishes that she was allowed to browse the Nexus (she only knows of it through her guardians) but unfortunately the Nexus is truly only Mature viewing. I am hoping this will change with the new Nexus. She thinks computer science and Modding is 'cool'. I wanted to share K's view with you out there because she is unique and the Skyrim Modders have inspired her in a very special way. She realizes in a very real way that computer programming is right at her fingertips today, not in the far flung future when she is 'grown' up.


As for the M rating. Skyrim is tame. And for those of you who are concerned, Thank you. We should all be diligent and concerned about the youth in our society. I personally am accused of being paranoid and over-protective every day.





She told me to tell you 'Thank You'. But those dogs don't talk. But she really appreciates the suggestion. Oh and she knows about the talking dog in the game but that it's a quest not a mod. (can't fool this girl)

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gg K. Hope to see you modding soon, and have a great vacation. We can certanly learn fromn 8 yo K abbout what gamming is all about: having fun regardless of the content or gaming rig. Well, send her my best wishes and continue to have fun.
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gg K. Hope to see you modding soon, and have a great vacation. We can certanly learn fromn 8 yo K abbout what gamming is all about: having fun regardless of the content or gaming rig. Well, send her my best wishes and continue to have fun.



The PC community has already gone through a recovery of "whoever has the best rig is the best at gamer," let's not start it again......



As for the OP, Skyrim is pretty tame. I actually let my 5 year old nephew watch me play once, but his hands were too small for the keyboard to play. :teehee:


Truthfully, Skyrim is rated "M" because there's swordplay and death in it. If it wasn't for that, then the game would have a perfect "E" rating. ESRB is a joke -_-

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I hope she gets into modding herself! She seems super bright and I bet she'd have even more fun creating the mod she wishes existed.



For the record: she is studying the CK every day. To quote "I can probably write the MOD myself as soon as I have a little time to learn the CK. If someone beats me to it then I will just collaborate with them and make it even better...no big deal."

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Skyrim is pretty tame. It's basically a T game if you remove the needless kill animations. A mod could easily remove them. My nephew of 12 plays it a lot. His 7 year old brother loves to watch. There seriously needs to be a rated G mod for Skyrim so kids can play. They just wanna run around and look at the scenery anyway.
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I wish i had games like this at that age! I remember growing up with a Master System and a Playstation so the gameplay wasn't up to much compared to the games of today! :D
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Guys c'mon.. I was playing siphon filter when I was 8.. Its not a big deal.. If you are mature and your parents think you are not going to take what you learn from a game and "reenact it" then I see no harm. The only time I would say its bad is when the parent is hugely oblivious to what they are buying for their child and then they find out and blame the game developer. Which is why we have so many games that could have been MORE mature, but aren't.


She sounds mature enough. But again its the parent's or the grandparents decision. If they think she will be OK then she will probably will. And if you ask me, I can never see why skyrim got an M rating. Very little profanity, and such. Only thing it has is violence and its not even very gratuitous. I have that better blood or whatever it is mod, and that makes it much worse..


Cute interview, good for her and good for Grandpa for not being so uptight. I am old enough to buy these games without a parent or anyone, and I still get weird looks from my grandparents for playing em.


On a tangent my grandmother in particular loves to go and rattle my dad for letting me buy em, which is funny because he plays em too, and he actually bought me siphon filter a long time ago... Ahh siphon filter... * goes off to drink in the nostalgia*

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