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No efforts towards making quest mods?


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I think there's plenty of desire for it, but as stated, only a handful of people can do it. Personally, I'm a stickler for lore, so it's even rarer that I find a quest I feel alright about placing in the Fallout universe. Waiting for the Boulder mod (and the Denver mod being made afterward) and the third installment of the Bounties series. Not sure if the latter is ever gonna happen at this point, however.


Another reason I can see that people make so many item mods is that many of them might restart the game as often as I do, giving them plenty to do with the items.

Edited by looloolooigotsomeapples
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pretty much everything has been said about why there are not that much quest mods, there is also the issue of team work, not lots of modders are into team work (IMO) and they prefer to work alone.
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I do not like working with other people, and I have a major issue with grammar. So that kinda puts me off of anything dealing with dialog sadly.
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