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Morrowind Comes Alive Mod - Problem


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I've been using Morrowind Comes Alive mod with no problems so far. This mod allows you to travel with companions. I'm traveling with Shareel companion (this blue winged half-daedra, pretty hot by the way). If you have a companion, he will always run towards to help you when you get attacked. But Shareel some time from now somehow only draws the sword and remains paralysed, she can't move during the fight. All other companions of this mod don't have any problems. Tried parting ways, switching commands, items, even killing and resurrecting her, but the bug remains. No idea how is it possible and what is responsible for it.


But I've found the cure - I have to place new Shareel using PlaceatPC command, and her new copy works correctly. But I don't know what I'm supposed to do with her older copy. I can't remove her corpse after killing her, if I tick off "Corpse Persistent" in TES, it doesn't change a thing, still can't remove it, a disable command has no effect, and when I try to use setdelete command, the game crashes. Seems this NPC is immune to all.


My question is, is there any other way to remove an NPC besides these known commands? Maybe is there a command to teleport her far beyond the map, or to outer spaces like ToddTest, etc? Or maybe add a house-like mod with some interior, let her in and then unistall this mod so she can disappear along with it?


I'll be grateful for any idea and resolve. Thank You.

Edited by elosznik
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That put her in an interior cell added by a mod idea sounds like a good one. You could use Enchanted Editor to remove her from your save game but that's pretty convoluted. I guess you could also create a remover in Wrye Mash just for her, again pretty complex.


BTW, on using SETDELETE 1, I've found that a bit crashy too. What I've found sometimes helps is waiting a few seconds between DISABLE and SETDELETE

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Assuming you are using MCA 8.x version, there may be some glitch in MCA companion script code managing a weight item added/removed to stop the companion moving when set to use only melee/ranged weapons from dialog options.

So in case what I'd try is:

1. open companion inventory, remove any Weight (with raw ebony icon) item having 500 weight

2. open game console, click companion, check you see companion id on top of console window

3. type

set hold to 0

4. do not use companion dialog options to use bow/use melee any more

5. verify if companion max encumbrance is fEncumbranceStrMult x strength (fEncumbranceStrMult is a game setting, 5 by default) and strength is normal


Another possible problem with companions not moving any more is if they have their strength drained from e.g. great bonewalkers, I think you can cure this e.g. at the imperial shrines keeping companion near player in the shrine effect range


[EDIT] Often placing a companion copy can break some unique companion mods, so it's not something generally suggested.

But in this case if you are ok with your Shareel clone, try this with the old one:

1. open game console, click old companion, check you see companion id on top of console window

3. type

set MCA_NoCompanions to 1

4. exit console, companion should disable, wait a few seconds

5. open console, verify companion id is still on top of console window, type

setdelete 1

6. exit console, save and reload the game

7. open game console, type

set MCA_NoCompanions to 0

Edited by abot
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Well, these advice seem actually very useful. So far I've added Bitterhome mod in Hla Oad, let her in, parted ways to prevent script errors, saved, removed bitterhome mod, loaded, saved with no no bitterhome again, re-added the mod and placed new Shareel. Everything's fine now, but I'll wrie down Your ways in case of recurrent problems. Thanks!

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