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NO Voice


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when i download a mod. like cm partners... i move the voice to the voice folder but it dont wor in the game!


can som1 help me!?

some mp3 are "silent" ones, they exists just to allow a text persisting for it's duration (without then the text would pass in a flash). This can be your case.

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hmm... the sound are there when i play them. but they arent there in game


Specifically, which mods?


I ask because I ran into this problem with the Mod "Let the People Drink", it wasn't in the readme, of the version I downloaded, but further investigation revealed that the problem was that the voice files had been mislabeled in the mod, and the fix was simply to create a new folder with the specified name and move the sound files into it. Make sure you read the forum posts associated with any mod you download, and you might find the answers you need there.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got a problem with Ren's Beauty Pack and some other mods:

they work really fine but there isn't any sound of NPC when they are installed...


is this the same problem like the 1st one in this thread and if it is, what name should this soundfolder have?



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I got a problem with Ren's Beauty Pack and some other mods:

they work really fine but there isn't any sound of NPC when they are installed...


is this the same problem like the 1st one in this thread and if it is, what name should this soundfolder have?




You should list all the mods you have installed right now, because Ren's shouldn't mess with your voice files at all, I don't think. Unless you're using a custom race mod.. then that may be the trouble, but I use vanilla races with beauty packs so I know a little, but I'm not the expert on this one.

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i use:

High Rez Textures (for exnems eyecandy)

exnems eyecandy


The Legendary Archery

Actors in Charge


but this all works ...

only when i install Rens Beauty Pack there is no sound

( There is also the Race Mystic Elves added in this mod )

Oh, I see.


After much trial and error I ended up going with this beauty pack, have a look:


It works with Ren's, and the creator is a frequent contributor here at the forums.


If you wish for an alternative with an omod installation, you might try this one, however reading the comments, some people have problems with the eyes and the male bretons start to talk like imperials when they used it. It's easy to fix that so maybe it's been fixed now.

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