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Assassin's Creed 3, who are you fighting for?


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I might just be missing something, but is there a single screenshot or video of Conner killing American soldiers and not just redcoats?


It seems like the game is just going to be you fighting as part of the revolution, which is pretty lame.

Edited by marharth
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Not really lame considering that the assassins way is to keep everything neutral and since the british were a very strong power back then, helping the colonies would have been a step to bringing balance to world powers again. So really, to answer your topic question, the assassins fight for balance, not for one particular party or the other.


On a side note, take my opinion with a grain of salt; I've been out of the AC loop for awhile now having only played AC1. Never got a chance to play 2 or the subsequent others.

Edited by lonewolf_kai
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Connor is fighting for the Americans, confirmed by Ubisoft. If you haven't heard the word "freedom" in all of the trailers, well, you have to listen in more.


According to the Assassin's Creed wikia (officially edited by Ubisoft Montreal) his political information:






Continental Army



Another thing, under his personal info, lists:


Connor strongly believed in defending both his Native American heritage and country from European involvement, who he considered to be "outsiders."




Where did you see him killing Blue Coats? In the trailers and pictures, I've only seen him killing reds and bears.

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@Subject, you need to reread what he wrote.


...but is there a single screenshot or video of Conner killing American soldiers and not just redcoats?


hes asking IF there is a screenshot of him killing Americans, not that there is one.

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I might just be missing something, but is there a single screenshot or video of Conner killing American soldiers and not just redcoats?


It seems like the game is just going to be you fighting as part of the revolution, which is pretty lame.


Strange since they are Canadian developer and not US but it's early days yet. Also SP, Assassins fight for no political power, only those who are willing to stop the Templars. It's been known since the beginning of the series. We have no idea if there are Templars in the US side but I hope that it doesn't fall under America = good, England = bad. It would drive me of the series completely.

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I might just be missing something, but is there a single screenshot or video of Conner killing American soldiers and not just redcoats?


It seems like the game is just going to be you fighting as part of the revolution, which is pretty lame.


Strange since they are Canadian developer and not US but it's early days yet. Also SP, Assassins fight for no political power, only those who are willing to stop the Templars. It's been known since the beginning of the series. We have no idea if there are Templars in the US side but I hope that it doesn't fall under America = good, England = bad. It would drive me of the series completely.

I was going to say this as well.. I have never heard of the Assassins simply trying to keep everything neutral. They simply work to stop the templars because the templars would take away free will from all of mankind.

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Has anyone even read anything that Ubisoft has released? They officially said it: you fight for the assassins and Americans. You strike down several British generals.



The templars have an unknown role in the game.

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Assassins are supposed to fight for the assassins, not for a rebel cause or a single country.


Also modern day America is controlled by templars in the AC series. So America is a entirely templar controlled country. That could of changed after the revolution, but it is a bit strange to say that everyone on the American side is a assassin, or everyone on the American side is supporting the assassins.


If it turns out being you fighting for the Americans and nothing else, that's another huge failure to the end of a series this year.

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Connor was never originally an assassin, he was someone to fight for freedom. There is no Brotherhood in AC3, he's not officially an assassin.


You will fight the templars somehow, but we dont know how.

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