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permition request for bug fixing a abandoned mod


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hello moderators, Recently i found out a glitch occurred in a favorite magic mod of mine


Sky wrath by Protomouse





i have fixed this glitch for my current version and reported how to fix this to the maker

but i had no response of what so ever up to now,

my guess is this mod has been abandoned


i would love to share this fix with the rest of the nexus, and i want to know if i can get permition to post this fix on my page under conditions that i place a link back to the original mod and mention the original maker of the mod


i also want to add a little update so now a new merchant sells the spells so it will not conflict with any existing magic mods

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You will need permission from the mod author, no one else here can give you it. If the author doesn't respond to your attempts at contacting, then I'm afraid there's nothing you can do.


EDIT: Judging by the options he has chosen in the 'Permissions and credits' tab, you are allowed to release your bug fix without permission or crediting the author, although crediting is a good thing to do, as is linking back to the main mod in your mod's description.

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If your fix is just a case of an altered .esp then you can release it -- JUST the esp -- with a requirement of downloading the original mod and overwriting the .esp with yours. There is no permission required for that.
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Which would get around the note in the Permissions and credits about needing to get permission from the authors of the assets the mod uses (beyond permission from Protomouse).


How are you Hickory ... haven't seen you around Oblivion Nexus in a coons age!!!

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How are you Hickory ... haven't seen you around Oblivion Nexus in a coons age!!!


I am good, thanks Striker. I haven't been around the Oblivion Nexus in a coons age. What with the rudeness of real life, and the fact that I've been playing Dragon Age for a coon's age, too. :tongue:

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so basicly i am alowed to do the fix if


1 i place back a link to his page


2 i place he is the origional autor (what is only normal)


3, i only upload the esp so you need to download his scripts, textures and meshes if used



thanks guys, :thumbsup: i just want to fix this one, i hate broken abandoned mods

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so basicly i am alowed to do the fix if


1 i place back a link to his page


2 i place he is the origional autor (what is only normal)


3, i only upload the esp so you need to download his scripts, textures and meshes if used



thanks guys, :thumbsup: i just want to fix this one, i hate broken abandoned mods


Yep, that's about it, but be sure to make it clear that the original mod is a requirement -- never underestimate the stupidity of the user. ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

lol, but what if the downloaded file is only a esp and read me? basicly if i tell people to download the origional file first then all they will be getting that they did not have up to now is the readme XD

o god i wish stuff was a lot more simple then this,

like just letting me place it up here and if the original creator shows up after a other year or 2 and sais he does not like it that i just take my mod back down (or he tells me he likes it and lets me keep the mod)

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