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Is there any way to manually configure Vortex with ini edits?


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I'm sick of NMM taking >30 seconds to load up, crashing Firefox on occasion, and in general being a bloated pile. Since there's no FOMM for FO4, I want to use Vortex. To do so, I need to configure it. But Vortex just crashes whenever I click the settings button(Current version downloaded as of 20 minutes prior to making this post, and yes I did send a report in through the app itself), which means I cannot use it. Default settings will not work for my install.



Is there a way to manually configure the app or am I stuck with NMM until Vortex decides to work properly?

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Mm, pared down the plugins to the bare minimum I'll need and it's allowing me to configure it. Now to get it to install directly to the game folder like it should do rather than wasting harddrive space putting mods somewhere else, heh.



Thanks for the help!

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