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Lord of the Ring's: The 3 King's Armor's


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Hi guys :). I was thinking, could some of you be nice enough if you could make this mod? It would really boost up my play and probably other players who like LOTR to lol. Can someone make An: Aragorn Armor, Legolas's Armor and Gimli's Armor.


Note:I already know there is an Aragorn Armor mod (Its a copy of the Brivas armor) when I downloaded it and tried it out,something didn't feel right I hardly felt like Aragorn even though I had the Aragorn race mod. But the Armor wasent right.


Here are 3 Pics of each. They are the best I could get so I hope they help ;)


They seem to be pictures of just models of the Characters but you can still get the Idea :). Thanks guys. You don't have to make the weapons if you don't want to. I'd love it if you made legolas's Bow and twin swords like but it isn't really important :). As long as the Armor's are made.








The above images are to the Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli Armor's. They are the best I can get. I hope they help ;).

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there is Ranger armour mod somewhere but Aragorns Ranger stuff would be a nice suprise but i will stick to my Arm Guards



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Aye. All the best LOTR Mods are for Morrowind :(. And I don't have that. :( :( :(. You see I'm a Pirate's of the Caribbean fan AND A Lord of the Ring's fan. I care equally for both and in this case Id love this mod :'(. Please please someone.
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This is actually the "king's armor"




I started making the model of the crown some time ago but never finished it. It needs a UV Map and texture I think. I have no plans for an entire armor set though.







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Cool mod L.Hammond's!! That Crown would go fine with the Aragorn Royal Armor mod as that is similar to the coronation armor.
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This is actually the "king's armor"




I started making the model of the crown some time ago but never finished it. It needs a UV Map and texture I think. I have no plans for an entire armor set though.







That's good work, LHammonds, very good work.

It would be nice to see it finished.

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Yeah :(. I think the crown is a work-on-hold project. I don't know why nobody has made the 3 kings armor's. IT would be really cool!! Ill just wait and see :).
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there is the kings armour already made i think Aragorns Royal Gear its looks like the Divine Crusaders armour have a look



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