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Visceral enb gone (& mysteriousdawns other mods)


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Loved the Visceral enb (by far one of the best on here)

Deleted it by mistake while trying another enb - next day went to get it back and its gone.

Also noticed a lot of mysteriousdawns other mods are deleted now too (Riften textures etc)


Anyone know why this has happened or if there is anywhere else to grab the enb (For Obsidian)

Or if anyone can upload it and link me


I would ask mysteriousdawn himself but I'm not sure if he has left the nexus for good

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Well, THAT was difficult, searching for the mod author, going to their profile and seeing this message and the link for their mods...


I have decided to leave nexus. You will find my mods reuploaded here for free as always https://www.patreon.com/nightfallteam


Also, it's not proper "mod etiquette" to ask other people to upload a mod that's been taken down.
Mods get taken down for all different kind of reasons, but the ones taken down usually mean the author doesn't want it distributed anymore.
In this case, the Mod author just moved the mod to a different site.

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