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DayZ Zombie survival mod


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So, who else is playing this amazing mod? I've been absolutely stuck in it for the last few days. Have barely been playing anything else.


Welcome to Chernarus


A 225 km2 open world post-soviet state and one of the areas hit by a new and presently unknown infection which has wiped out most of the world's population. You are one of the few who have survived and now you must search this new wasteland in order to fight for your life against what is left of the indigenous population, now infected with the disease.


Go Solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever means you stumble upon to survive.


This is DayZ. This is your story.


It's ruined all other games for me. 4 days of playing and 42 hours clocked on Steam.


It's pretty much what I wanted the STALKER series to be.


I'm strongly considering turning bandit, because the server I admin is still relatively new, and most people aren't playing aggressively yet.


I'm on the ZA1 server, if anyone wants to try joining us, but yu'll probably have quite a high ping, seeing as we're situated at the southern tip of Africa.

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So, seeing as the thread has 105 views and no replies, let me tell you the story of how I became a bandit (happened yesterday).


So, I had been playing my character for 16 hours (in-game hours, mind). I was well geared for the coastal regions, and I had just decided to go raid the northern airfield so I could see if I could get some decent military grade hardware. Being a long trek, I had to go stock up on food and drinks first, so I headed to Cherno. On my way past Kamarovo, two newbies on the beach start firing on me. They both miss and I run for the warehouse on the docks. Getting there unscathed, I lie in wait on the above catwalk. Good. Both of them come running in, and I dispatch both. Bad part? Now I have a bandit skin (the mod gives you 30 seconds to fire in self defence after being shot at). I announce it to the whole server, telling them what happened. So I head further towards Cherno and get there without incident. By now, after having sneaked in here around 15 times already, I knew Cherno like the back of my hand. I knew where zombies where thickest. I knew where player often hid and I knew which routes through the city were guaranteed to get me killed.


So I go slowly, take the longer, safer routes through. Next moment, I hear running, a gunshot, and I die. Then the moron who shot me yells 'I killed the bandit in Cherno!'. Bad move. First rule of DayZ. if you kill someone, don't announce it for the world to see. Now I know who he is. Upon respawn, I am beyond pissed off. I'm seeing red. I know this guy isn't a bad guy, I'd been on some raids with him before. If he knew who I was, he wouldn't have taken the shot. But he could have asked 'Friend or foe' before shooting. He would still have had the jump on me even if I were a foe.


So I go on a killing spree along the coast to Cherno. I'm so angry, if I see another survivor, I kill him. Nobody knows it's me, seeing as I didn't say a word about it after dying, and nobody knew I was the bandit in Cherno. Nobody even knows I was dead. So I announce that I'm going to go raid the southern airfield, and then the northern one, and ask if anyone wants to join me. No big surprise, three people agree, including my killer. Now I have to say, I'm often asked to go with on raids, because I'm a really good navigator. I went to the northern airfield once, using a map and a compass, and after that one time I could get there without either. I have a photographic memory of how to get to a destination when travelling.


So I wait on the outskirts of the airfield behind the air traffic control tower. I had gotten a Lee Enfield off one of my unfortunate coastal victims, so I've got a decent gun, and I've also got two smoke grenades. For those of you that know the map, there's a small military encampment right in front of the airfield, and I got the smoke grenades off military zombies there. So I tell the guys I'm still far off, and they should wait in the tower for me. It took them all about 30 minutes to get there. On top of that, they killed all the zombies on their way in, so I had to wait a few more minutes to set my plan in action. Once most of the zombies had respawned, I throw both smoke grenades (smoke grenades attract zombies. they're often used to distract them while they're chasing you). I throw one close to the door where you enter the tower, and I try to throw another one right on top of the tower where the players are standing. I was hoping it would land on top and kind of obscure their view, so that I can see them, but they can't see out to see me. It lands on the ground next to the ladder down from the roof, so all isn't lost. The zombies start walking to the grenades, they notice one of the players running around on the roof (by now the players were scurrying about, because they know somebody wouldn't have thrown smoke grenades if they didn't intend to kill them). One of the players comes bursting through the bottom door, but just as luck would have it, a zombie knocks him unconscious and he gets munched to bits. The other two alternate between firing at zombies downstairs in the tower. One of them is my murderer. They fight their way out the door in front, where I shoot one of them. He falls, but I think I only knocked him unconscious, and he was bleeding. He didn't stand up, though, so if he wasn't dead after the shot, he must have bled out soon after. I'm not sure who he was, but there's only one player left regardless. Idiot that he is, he has no idea where I'm shooting from, so what does he do? He runs up onto the exposed roof of the tower again. Where I line up a headshot, and take him down.


Bad thing is, I then almost died myself, because the remaining zombies came after me once the last guy died. And everyone now knows I'm a bandit, my humanity is also so low that I doubt I'd be able to get it up again in the next two days. So I've decided to simply go full-on bandit. But at least I had my revenge. I felt a bit bad that I took two innocents down with the guy I was hunting, but hey. All's fair in DayZ. Never trust anyone. Not even people you know.

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Been playing it as well, I'm not sure where I am yet on the map..still finding out. I'm trying to find some friends on the map but I've been unable to trace them so far. I've not fired a single shot yet and have been sneaking past zombies...walking along the coast and through the woods.


Arma2 combined operations mod yep.

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I spawned near a small village, somehow turned on freecam, saw my own character and thought there was someone else with me, spent a couple of minutes trying to ascertain whether or not my character was friendly, turned off freecam, spotted a fellow survivor, got a Winchester from him, and lagged out. I haven't had time to play it again :P.
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Guys, I have to ask...what is this zombie fascination all about? Seemingly almost every game has to have them. Even Red Dead Redemption on the consoles, had to have zombie addons.
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Guys, I have to ask...what is this zombie fascination all about? Seemingly almost every game has to have them. Even Red Dead Redemption on the consoles, had to have zombie addons.


Mostly it's the idea of the whole "Zombie Apocalypse" thing. It's almost every gamers dream to have a Zombie Apocalypse to happen, but since that's probably not going to, people play zombie games. For instance DayZ. However, DayZ is much more different then any other Zombie game... well mod. It actually incorporates the survival aspect of the whole zombie Apocalypse, like Temperature, Sickness, Hunger, and Dehydration. Plus it's Open World, so the map that you play is HUGE, which makes it even more cool. I guess vehicles can make it cool also.


Hope that explains it.

Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Okay, I'm not going to rewrite the whole thing, so I'll just repost this quote from another forum on two amazing experiences I've had today alone.


You didn't actually kill me. You killed <anonymous>. I was the guy with the sniper in the trees. Only injury I suffered was being kneecapped. :P


It was an unfortunate incident, though. We knew you were on the other side of the airfield, and we weren't planning on approaching you, seeing as we had just spawned after being slaughtered by bandits up in the north and <Anonymous> had received a bandit skin for killing a few of the bandits who ambushed us, seeing as some of them had not yet shot him and were survivors themselves. I found a sniper in one of the hangars, and then you started shooting at another player in our group who was coming from the military camp, saying you wanted his beans. So I decided to try out my new toy. I managed to sneak into the trees and cap one of you who was in the middle of the airstrip. <Anonymous> ran to the middle of the airstrip, and went prone next to a wrecked humvee. I got kneecapped by someone with a Makarov, fixed myself up and saw one of you prone in the middle of the airstrip. Shot him, but I think I initially only kneecapped him, then killed him on the second shot. Then our other player apparently killed the last of you.


Jakkalas was also there, but he wasn't part of our group. We thought he was with you, and we were planning on killing him if necessary. Lucky for him, he ran away.


Still, it was an amazing firefight. Possibly the best I've had in the game yet. Unlucky for you, we just had you outmanoeuvred. I was with my sniper in the treeline, <Anonymous> was in front and our other teammate was at your back.


Also, I'm glad Cherno has finally reached the point where it's absolutely not safe to enter at all during the day. I was too scared to get close to it almost the whole day long.


On another note, I finally got my revenge on Point Blanc for gunning me down in cold blood. It was glorious. It was shortly before we got ambushed, he heard us shooting outside the town south of the NE airfield and asked if anyone was there. I told someone else to reply so that he wouldn't know I was there. PB didn't reply anyway, so we went to hide on a hill nearby. About 5 minutes later, who comes running across the great big open clearing in front of us? Point Blanc. He was around 500m away, I think, when I took him down with my Enfield. He was not dead yet, only unconscious. I ran all the way up to him, stood right over him and told him who I was. Then I shot him in the head with my Makarov. He was well-geared too. Probably just came from the NE Airfield. He was so pissed he simply disconnected.


But seriously? There is absolutely no feeling that can compare with what you feel when you line up a shot, pull the trigger, and see your prey go down in a fountain of blood. I'm actually a bit worried at how much I liked it.


I <3 this mod.

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anyone interseted in this mod and the arma ii game the game is free to download from steam......but the free version doesn't support mods , ultra high settings ? or single player (steams doing or the publishers who knows?). good ole google and whilst labled as an rpg it appears to be more akin to the dragon rising series of games which are actually tactical sims .
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