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Arcane University flames gone

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Those would be vanilla assets found in the vanilla BSA files. When you uninstall something that replaces them they should revert to using the vanilla assets from the BSA automatically. The only thing that comes to mind is did you have a bashed patch with Better Cities installed, and did you rebuild your bashed patch after uninstalling BC?
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Those would be vanilla assets found in the vanilla BSA files. When you uninstall something that replaces them they should revert to using the vanilla assets from the BSA automatically. The only thing that comes to mind is did you have a bashed patch with Better Cities installed, and did you rebuild your bashed patch after uninstalling BC?


That I figured out to try and fix my possible bad shader issues. Which file is university flames? If don't know the file name, I can't delete it.


Slow down 'bashed patch'?? I'v first saw that in cobl. I did use it since I didn't know what it did. No clue what that is.


Also, i'v been having huge numbers of problems. After months of research, I found the +100 AJ and EN is being caused by frostcrag reborn. 'This Moral Craig' mod I want to use insted, but I have to create my transfer chest mod(see mod comments). FXAA is causing "d3d9.dll" on interior <=> exterior area for some reason. I'm a mid load screen error at random. Crashes in middle of travel at random. Not mention a buggy autosave mod, saving after every combat when it should be turned off. Too many to errors to count. USEP tech support isn't much help.


Adding better cities made more errors and others worse. I'm not using it until I solve all the crash problems first.


FYI, FXAA requires me to turn off/on interior <=> exterior. It's a pain, but it's a worth it for that great color. I'm learning how to mod slowly. Transfer all my items from 7 chests out of the old FCR into a chest outside.



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A bashed patch is something that you do using the utility Wyre Bash. What it does is take conflicts between mods and resolve them so the one you want to take effect does.


As an example, if mod A turned all chainmail cuirass blue and all glass cuirass purple and mod B turned all daedric cuirass green but also turned all chainmail cuirass red and glass cuirass black if your load order was mod A and then mod B you'd wind up with red chainmail, black glass and green daedric. If your load order was mod B and then mod A you'd have blue chainmail, purple glass and green daedric. It can only be one way or the other using load order alone because the mod that loads last wins when two or more mods change the same thing.


What if you wanted blue chainmail, black glass and green daedric? As you can't get that with load order alone you'll need to use a bashed patch. It allows you to pick which mod wins on which items and puts all the 'winning' changes in an esp that you then place at or near the end of your load order. In many cases for examples more complicated that the example I've shown it's the only way to get conflicting mods to work together.


Once you start using a bashed patch there are certain details you need to keep in mind though. One is that if you add or delete mods you need to rebuild your bashed patch. If you don't there may be edits in the bashed patch that get overwritten by the new mod you installed (that will likely be lower on your load order than the bashed patch). You could also have edits in the bashed patch for mods that aren't installed anymore (not likely to lead to the desired results, obviously).


The other part of the bashed patch story is using Better Oblivion Sorting Software (BOSS) to sort your load order. It works in conjunction with Wyre Bash (Wrye will see it's installed and use it).


A little suggestion for your getting stuff out of Frostcrag problem. I use Emma's excellent Pack Donkeys. If you buy one of them and bring him to Frostcrag you can easily turn off the pack donkey's encumbrance using his menu and load all your stuff into his packs (they'll follow you inside, making it real simple). Take your pack donkey along when you go to a cell well away from Frostcrag when you do your update and then bring him along when you want to stock up the shelves in your new Frostcrag. Beware though, you may find you don't want to be without a pack donkey or two in your company after that ... I know I wouldn't think of playing without one (first thing I buy when I start a new character).

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Thanks that makes it clearer. I usually do that manually by installing and uninstalling mods. Then change the load order. I'll take a look at that. Some mods asked for a bashed patch. COBL for one. I need separate out this question. I'll repost later about bash patch in many mods.

Until get that DXAA error fixed, no better cities. I seem to be the only one with it. Water shaders or textures., spec distance, or something. :P


It's either 'd3d9.dll' crashed or "oblivion crashed". Not every time. ARG!


I can triple how much I can carry from 500 pounds to 1500 pounds. I still grab things item by item. It's impractical either way. I have HUGE number of items(level 38) stored in 8 chests. I'll make it into a quest(Frostcrag robbed). It will lead into an adventure with additional items I want to add.


Back to my question, deleting the bad texture or a bad mod? Which texture is the university flames?

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The texture is 'meshes\fire\FireArcaneMedium01.nif' found in the vanilla game 'Oblivion - Meshes.bsa' (providing you're talking about the purple fires where you first come into the University). There is also a sound associated with the flames AMBTorchMountedLP that may or may not be missing.


Look in your games Oblivion\Data\meshes for the folder 'fire' and the file 'FireArcaneMedium01.nif' and if you find it move it to a temporary location outside of the game folders. If your flames come back you can safely delete the file you moved ... it's a leftover just stinking up the fridge.


- Edit - Must of had a brain cramp first time around ... the textures for that nif are in the Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa. Best I can determine they are 'textures\fire\firearcanemedium\firearcanemedium01.dds' through to 'textures\fire\firearcanemedium\firearcanemedium23.dds' (for animating the flames??). I also saw a series of firearcaneparticle dds files (01 through 10) but I'm not sure if they'd be associated with those flames or not.

Edited by Striker879
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  • 2 weeks later...

I deleted all the shaders and some textures. I may need to reinstall shivering isles and the unofficial patches. I'll have figure how to reinstall the mods in order. I'v not done any of SI yet. So, it shouldn't be too hard.Thanks.


dx3d9.dll is crashing less often with an update. Still getting after loading crashes.

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