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How rich is your character?


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I think that having to earn money is quite boring!

I prefer to use console commands for earning money


In my fist savedgame in oblvion I think that I earned about 60K whitout any console command

but the problem is that when I discoverd the player.additem ....

now i dont know how to get money whitout te console


so Far So gooD


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I'm not sure how rich I've ever been (on my ps3) which is where my richest character lives. Currently he has about 184k septims. I definitely got above 200k before, probably 300k (I'm pretty sure I remember that happening) It's amazing how much money houses suck out of your fortune. My main character on PC has acquired around 67k (I probably had more) through various mods which gave me very expensive stuff. (So that was kind of cheating, but it's not like i downloaded it expecting a cheat mod)
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My Character had about 70K at one point i was so happy but at that point i bought all the houses and and equipment for the house and well i had no use for the money so i started gambling it :biggrin:


:biggrin: :biggrin: Yeap!Me too!

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<cracks knuckles> Okay list of my awesome rich profiles


3) Rorack Flamefist, alchemy pays a boatload (heeeheee restore fatigue potions) about 435K


2) Cristophe (I have no idea where I got that name at the time but heh) I suppose this could count as "cheat" but he is a hunter and I made a mod that ups pelt and meat prices so that they're more realistic, I mean comon, an entire flank of dear for only 2 septims (it's 30 for a piece of venison now I believe)????? Along with a little (and I stress little) Dungeon delving and quest completing, he accumulated about 675K


1) The King of all riches, Raedic the Dread. He was modeled after a pirate, unarmored, so he was able to sell any and all armor except for stuff that I thought looked cool. He had a sweet ebony longsword that I enchanted with Transcendant Sigil Shock Damage, so he sold all the weapons he came across, he never really used a bow. He owns every house and had every upgrade. And still had about 3M left. I got REAALLY tired of having so much money, because at one point it was about 4M but I went out and blew a ton of my gold by buying the akaviri sunderblade and just selling it back and buying it again until i had 100 mercantile and started investing. My favorite and undoubtedly greatest accomplishment EVER on any of my files was obtaining every bottle of vintaged wine (including the two required for master alch training from Sinderion I stole it back, male without a father and gettin' any o' my wine) and all of the bottles of Shadowbanish wine but the six required to complete venerable vintage, those turn to static under the bar for some reason ;'(. How did I accumulate all this? Raedic, as you've probobly guessed, is a thief. After squirreling enough gold away I bought all the dunbarrow cove upgrades and snuck up into Anvil castle and literally stole everything from it (except for responable clutter containers, I don't need yarn) and sold it all, which netted about 20K, I did this for most of the castles. As for the rest, I dunno about you but I always loved going to Rockmilk Cave(erns) and plundering the place of life and coin, and at level 46 a LOT of good armor and weapons appear on the Black Bows, Bandits, and Marauders. All easy enough to sell to Rowly Eardruff at the Wawnett inn (he has the most gold of any merchant that I know of, especcially after invested in) and accumulate a large fortune : ).

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i tend to carry between 40 and 80k, on 4 atm due to expensive weps an housing. my monet making scheme id to don the gray cowl, head to arcane uni and kill allapprenitices, nick their daggers and sell em on.i know im, comparitevly dirt poor, but ive been thinking, in the game world amny amounts of money would be unimaginable to npc, if they werre real,as they say 5 gold as a years wages
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