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New Character Missing Spells


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At this point, I don't have the faintest. All the research I have done on this leads back to either SM, or, the NoStartingSpells mod, which you are not running...... I am not seeing anything else in your load list that should account for it..


If you go to your magic tab, hit the "all spells" tab, can you select the healing spell?

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Hi all,


Last night, last thing, I ran a defrag and set it to shut the system down when done. I went to bed.


Today, just now, I went and fired up the game to double check on the question from Hey You. And guess what? Everything is in place and where it should be.

Darned if I know why. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/blink.gif


But at this point I ain't complaining, questioning, or caring! I am going to s l o w l y start re-activating my magic mods and see what shakes out.


THANK YOU ALL for your help--and for supporting my shaky sanity through all of this. I was one very confused Dark Elf... http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/smile.gif

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