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Perk-based accuracy


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I really like one particular feature from Frost Survival — perk-based accuracy of various guns. Perks such as Gunslinger or Commando no longer provide damage buff but instead narrows bullet spread of related weapons. It sounds logical, isn't it? Your bullet won't get more energy just because you know how to use a gun. I'd like to see this interesting and realistic feature in stand alone mod, it shouldn't be very hard to implement.

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if you want to use this part of Frost without the need for the whole mod , you should be able to easily do this


open up the Frost plugin in FO4Edit . open the Perk tree , and choose one of the perks you wish to use . right click , choose copy as new entry , select new plugin and name it however you want

after this , do the same for all other perks you wish to copy , but instead of adding to a new plugin every time , add to the plugin you created when adding the first entry

if I'm not mistaken , that should give you a plugin that contains all of the edits you took from Frost without requiring Frost as a master file , so you could just disable that mod and just use your new plugin

if someone else were to do this for you , or try to upload it , it would require permissions from the author of Frost . but you should be able to do this for your own usage


I know it might not be the type of reply you are hoping for , but hopefully you could do this for now , until such a mod is released (if it wasn't implemented into another mod I am not aware of)

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