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quest mods with voice acting..??


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hm i can think of one Ruin Tail the npc follower he has a voice + he has a questline but i never got around to finsh it


Col John Sheppard

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thank you so far..


yes i do know both of them, but i never played "ruined tails tale"

one mods that i am thinking about getting is mod called "the fight for castle ravenpride" (it looks really awsome)


I know it isn't what you means, but just for the curiosity: why no one commented the voice from Myria, the quest giver of the mini quest in the Afinity Sword mod. The curiosity is that voice is synthesized and received no post processing :)

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I know of several quest-mods, since that's my goal in building Oblivion - adding as many quest-mods as I can. The only thing is, not every line is spoken.


If you're in the market for a great companion mod, I recommend "Viconia DeVir" by Sulteric. You actually quest to win her heart, and you can flirt with her in-game. This is not like the followers you have already. Viconia is definitely not vanilla, she comes from Baldaur's Gate.


Then you can take your pick from the 7 mods that make up Giskard's "Cyrodiil Upgrade":


1. The Elder Council (join Legion, become a Duke, new kingdom of Arenthia)

2. Origin of the Mages Guild (Bruma Mages Guild restored, 200% better NPC AI, new teleporter)

3. The Elder Council_The Temple of the One (new Temple faction, new NPCs, temple rebuilt)

4. Kingdom of Almar (underground elves, druid religion, looks like SI)

5. The Necromancer (Necro lairs, new NPCs)

6. Kvatch Aftermath (rebuild Kvatch, be the Count, join a Necromancer Guild, new teleporter)

7. Fighters Guild Contracts (new NPCs, get contracts after FG is finished)


What's so cool about these is that they all overlap & support each other.


Then there's Simyaz's "Malevolent" mod, about a sentient set of armor.

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All or most (not sure) of Giskard´s Cyrodiil Upgrade Mods have voice acting (the creators webbsite: http://www.novazone.karoo.net/ ). Edit (did not see your post Varus Torvyn, it was posted while I wrote mine)

The Fight For Castle Ravenpride has almost 30 minutes of speech spoken by six voice actors according to the description http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11999

In the trailer of BloodandMud DirtDeluxeAnglais there is one character that is seen talking, and the fact that the filesize of 185MB also points to that it is fully voice acted. http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12016


simonp92 if you know any more voiced quest mods than those mentioned in the thread I would appreciate if you listed them. I am also interested to know wich voiced quest mods there is out there. :)

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