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Zombie Apocalypse has begun


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The idea that anything can cause a man to act and behave like a zombie is enough to get me worried. If something like this became wide spread, we might actually have a 'zombie' apocalypse on our hands. The very thought of it scares me and sends chills running down my spine.


More to the point, it is important to remain humble - What if you're wrong? What if it actually happens?


I already know what will happen if I am wrong. I look insane and nothing happens. What happens when you are wrong?

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My gun proves my point. I could take fifteen of these guys alone, just give me my rifle and they'll be done. Just figure out how powerful a military grade martial law lockdown is and you'll realize zombies won't get very far, even at this power.
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Just figure out how powerful a military grade martial law lockdown is and you'll realize zombies won't get very far, even at this power.


Well, military martial law lockdown would not be too powerful. Aside from zombies, you would have to fight looters, troublemakers and guys that are just pissed off and like to shoot at people. You also need to consider that people want to get out of the locked-down area. Those who don't know what to do can and will fight the army, and they can fight pretty well because they have no other options left.


Now, how long before the military fails to keep the area under control? I'd say 3-5 days.


And by the way, "bath salts" is only a more powerful drug than LSD, it can't give you "super human strength". LSD is not spinach and the zombie guy doesn't look like Popeye to me.

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Currently, it would actually be damned near impossible to lockdown most US cities. Especially those in the south and to the west. They could lock down neighborhoods and possibly small sections of cities. But entire cities? Not a chance in hell. There are far too many ins and outs. They couldn't even lock down the suburbs when the Bastrop fires broke out. People were still able to sneak into the restricted areas because small back roads were left unguarded, despite having hundreds of LEOs and military personnel on the ground for that very purpose.


And these areas aren't even close to being the size of a city.

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you gotta remember, someone who is hyped up on drugs can take a lot more than a normal human being, and people can survive a shot to the heart for a short time.

these instances have happened before, its while the police never fire just one shot, cant let the perp take out anyone

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I wouldn't believe that a zombie apocalypse will happen, BUT when you see someone eating someone else's head, not affected by bullets and growls to the police I think we should reconsider it. Brace yourselves!
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I wouldn't believe that a zombie apocalypse will happen, BUT when you see someone eating someone else's head, not affected by bullets and growls to the police I think we should reconsider it. Brace yourselves!

hence my intent to become a gunsmith

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When I was at school I went on work experience with the "public relations officers" (security guards) at my local shopping centre. I wasn't there for this, but apparently there was once a guy who was wandering around twitching and shouting gibberish at random strangers. They tried to escort him out, but he knocked one team member unconcious with a single backhand swipe. It then took five of them to bring him to the ground and they had to wrap a cable tie around his hands to stop him from getting up and murdering everyone (overexageration, but he was going completely mental). In the end the police arrived with a dog and handcuffed him to the back of the van. Cocaine, it's a helluva drug.
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I saw the pic of the guy with his face gone. Anyone know if he is alive still? What happens if he is? Can they do like a skin graph and reconstruct most of his face?


Also in the pic, is he missing his left eye? Can't see it, but it could be covered by, well you know..

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