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New game glitches out and cannot start


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Okay i have had skyrim for a while now and when i first got it it was fine everything worked properly but now whenever i start a new game when i get to the charcter creation part my person continues to walk when he gets out of the carragie after you make the person and name them then he goes to the choping block and when the preacher begins to stop she isnt interupted by anybody and says as you wish by that point nothing else happens afterwards and i wait for 30 minutes still nothing happens. also i have tons of mods installed ill include a picture anybody have any ideas?
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A lot of people have had problems starting the game again if they had mods active (especiallly character mods) before getting out of the cave. You could try removing your mods, all or one at a time, or there are mods that give you an alternate start location to bypass Helgen altogether.
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I have been given to understand that 'Animated Prostitution' will cause that. If you are using that just disable it until you are past the character creation phase.




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