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Best Game You've Ever Played

Varus Torvyn

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I have an additional game to add to my prior listing...Command & Conquer: Generals


I forgot how much fun it was to play as a terrorist and win using the stealth sniper. If the AI had any real brains, my snipe-n-hide tactics wouldn't have worked as well. ;) And as my massive damage unit, I used a bus full of rocket dudes which decimated any vehicles it encountered.


It was also quite fun running around with an army of helos laying waste to everything in my path.


The giant China tank was also fun to rummage around in. Having 3 of those baddies with all different upgrades was almost unstoppable.



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FPS: Serious Sam 2, Bioshock, COD4, Far Cry (superior to Crysis imao)

RPG: Neverwinter Nights 2 + Mask of the Betrayer, Mass Effect, Oblivion + community mods

RTS: Warcraft 3 + Frozen Throne, C&C3 + Kane's Wrath, Sins of a Solar Empire, Dawn of War + expansions, Company of Heroes

Adventure: Lego Indiana Jones, Hitman: Blood Money, Overlord, Psychonauts

Oddball: Spore, Sid Meier's Pirates!, The Sims 2 + expansions

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Oblivion PC

Morrowind PC

Turok 2: Seeds of evil N64

Call of Duty (the first one) PC

Assassin's Creed Xbox 360

Not in any arranged order just as they came to mind.


Morrowind is the best.


I remember Seeds of Evil. Man I loved that game. It was suh-weet.

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All TES-titles and anythng Sid Meyer ever laid his hands on. Easy. Anything stemming from pen&paper RPGs also appreciated, be it BG, NWN or Vampires. My p&p favourite never saw a decent adaption though, Call of Cthulhu... Just love the relativ simplicty of the system and the vast freedom it gives to the gamemaster in terms of plots and balancing. Another one I'd really enjoyed that never made it to computers was Paranoia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paranoia_(role-playing_game)


Hm... looks like there was a game, never saw that though. If anyone ever stumbles across it by chance... well, drop me a line by pm.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Let me see... The overall "best game I've ever played" would have to be Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, closely followed by Fallout 2, The Witcher, and several other games. Going into other categories, the best point-and-click adventure games would probably be Culpa Innata and Maniac Mantion: Day of the Tentacle, while S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. The Shadow of Chernobyl, Fallout 3: Wasteland, and Clive Barker's Jericho top the first-person shooters (although the last one should probably be removed). Space Simulations have Freelancer and Sins of a Solar Empire, although X-COM is up there as well. I guess I'll stop there for now... :confused:
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I see that LHammonds wrote down Vampire the Masquerade... Which one is it? Bloodlines or Redemption... I have to say Bloodlines was fun and I play it every once in a while but Redemption was something else entirely... I would very much recommend to people who likes a good RPG...


I have to add Jagged Alliance 2 here since it is the best turn based strategy/RPG hybrid I have ever played...

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