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History channel is about anything but history...


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Long story short: science channel is full of garbage now for ratings, and history channel lies and it sucks. Discuss.




The other day I walked into my dads room and he was watching history. The show was called decoded or whatever and was a rerun of an older episode when the people (I don't know their names) had gone off to find out the true story of the statue of liberty. Well over the course of the show the people seem to find that the Statue of Liberty (abbreviated SoL for convenience) is actually a symbol of the prostitute of babylon and New York is the city spoken of in revelations of the city that houses the prostitute and the adulterers and such etc... Then they go on to say that the SoL was not originally a gift from the French but a gift from the French to the Egyptians. Now, I went on the handy dandy internet and could find no evidence of this. I searched for the history of how the SoL came to be, and found that it was the idea of a French artist who wanted to captivate the friendship of the US and France. I believe it was the same artist who designed the Eiffel Tower. I found no evidence of it ever being dedicated to the Egyptians, or that it is some freemason symbol of evil and the corruption of America.


The show also implied that the NWO (New World Order) was somehow using the statue as a base of operations.


The next show I have seen on history channel which is I'll admit, entertaining is ancient aliens. I'll be blunt this show is bat**** nuts. I like good sci-fi and the idea that Earth was seeded by aliens or ancient man was influenced is a cool thought to entertain but it is in no way likely and furthermore the crazy people they bring on as "experts" on the subject, make outrageous claims with little evidence to back it all up. They say the Nazca lines are runways, or that the pyramids couldn't have been built without help from LGM's... I guess my biggest problem with this show and the other UFO shows like it is..this isn't history. History is a known and widely accepted truth. History would be saying that Alexander the Great conquered most of Eastern Europe.


History channel has never been very historic. They either seem to blatantly lie or they just put out entertainment shows like ancient aliens with no facts, no basis, no logical science. Just crazies allowed to rant...


I'm sad to say science channel is becoming the same way. They only have one show left I like watching and that is Through the wormhole with Morgan Freeman. And science channel is adding a bunch of new entertainment shows as well like oddities, which like history channel isn't science related. Its just weird. I'm also tired of the stupid speculative shows on science channel. Like the ones where they talk about how in the future people will be able to live virtually forever and how great it will be. They fail to mention the consequences of immortality. The Earth is crowded enough and her resources are already a bit extended. But does science channel mention any of this in these shows? Nope. Not once. They put on shows about how the world will end or how humanity will destroy itself without presenting the alternative more likely scenario of how we will thrive and what to expect. Its BS, and its all for ratings.. I guess they have to compete somehow. And with more people becoming less interested in mathematics and the sciences and going to college for Liberal arts degrees I guess it makes sense for them to try and compete.


Anyone else getting sick of this though?

Edited by Dan3345
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History is filled with theories and is written by whoever is the best person. In war, it's written by the victor. In politics, it's written by the best lier, etc.. It's hard to decide history, the History channel is going off of the written books, school is off of textbooks, I decide to what I see or what makes sense.
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It's all about ratings, they won't change what they have now. Big reason I don't even have local or cable TV is because of the junk "reality" or whatever you call it that's on now.
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It's all about ratings, they won't change what they have now. Big reason I don't even have local or cable TV is because of the junk "reality" or whatever you call it that's on now.

But for those of us who used to watch it and enjoy it, its really a sad thing to see it go down the drain. Now all I have left to watch is seinfeld.


I love seinfeld, but with 500 channels you'd think there would be more to watch but there isn't.

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Well yeah, I haven't owned a TV in almost 8 years now. Shows just seemed to go downhill after 2000 or so. Sheesh, my boyfriend and I sit on Netflix watching Married With Children, Macguyver, SG1, Stargate Atlantis, stuff like that. I wish they had Seinfeld on there for instant play, that's one of my favourite shows of all time.


Just seems the older sitcoms were so much better than today's. But most sitcoms back in the day could get away with a lot more.


I loved Animal Planet, History, Discovery, for their documentaries ... not Hairy Bikers, Jerks Selling Crap at Pawn Shops, Hillbillies Fishing, Ancient Aliens (South Park does a pretty decent one from last season making fun of that) constant crap about Hilter (History hasn't done that in awhile...pretty sad when they go lower than showing WWII/Hitler stuff all the time)...etc.


We only really watch cable/local TV on Sundays when we visit my bf's mom. There's nothing on or it's just re-runs of crap they showed through the week. We wind up watching the Game Show Network the entire time we are there if it's not American Football season :P Other than that, she's got like 150 channels and there isn't crap on.


Science Channel...yeah. Ever since they started showing sci-fi TV shows on it, I stopped watching. They used to have decent documentaries on space, physics, etc...now every time we turn to it it's Oddities like you said. All those channels are going the way of TLC...I wonder if anyone actually remembers that was a good channel to watch. "The Learning Channel"....they should really change it to "The Loser Channel" with the horrid crap they show these days. Ugh...


Like I said, it's all about ratings. They should just change the names to "People "Doing" Their Jobs Channel", "Rich Jerks Making More Money Channel", "Losers Being Losers Channel", "Stupid People Being Stupid Channel" lol I could go on . It's not about education anymore, it's all entertainment...pretty sad.


I'll stick with Netflix, at least I can watch what I want to watch. PBS still shows pretty decent stuff and you can watch that all online too. I'm happy without a TV and a $65 cable bill that shows me 98% crap :P

Edited by Illiad86
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Yes they do. My dad does for some reason. He hates it but where we live theres nothing else to do. My dad and I would love nothing more then to go hunt out back or fish etc, but we can't. So my dad watches other people do it. Its quite depressing actually.


I can't stand the stupid logging shows, or the swamp people, toddlers and tiaras is disgusting. That show seems to veer on the side of child abuse/pornography. Honestly I think its sick and why anyone would watch it is beyond me. But if you want to get to the heart of the problem I blame viacom. They are the company that owns many TV channels including nickelodeon, MTV, VH1, Spike. Heres the full list http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_assets_owned_by_Viacom


Of all the channels they own I hate MTV the most. Its a channel that only makes the kids stupider. They have a new show coming out called "My first time." That alone is pretty self explanatory so I will leave it be. But I will say this: The fact that a show like Seinfeld would today be deemed to un-PC and yet there can be shows about teens and their first time really says something about our culture...

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Tbh, certain shows on History are entertaining, namely Pawn Stars and American Pickers, and honestly they do relate to History in a way. Its more down-home history than it is textbook history like the old History Channel, but its still related.


But then you have stupid crap like Ax Men or Ice Road Truckers that have nothing at all do with History period, and the even stupider things like Decoded and Ancient Aliens that just play up pseudo-history and try to pretend their in the movie National Treasure or something.

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