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has Jannix Quinn stopped modding??


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ahh... this reminds me of the time i quit modding i had the same problem... well on a different site... anyway...

i was scrolling through nexus one day and saw the templar mod so i clicked it and then it was blocked so i checked the other JQ mods and they were blocked as well... i thought it couldnt be true but it was.. JQ i dont really know about all the legal things that bethesda has but,

if everyones going to make a big deal of it and you love to mod dont quit... there may be a way to fix it... just make it to were it requires the KOTN expansion(of course you dont have to do this if you dont want to). but i think this whole thing is just crazy!!! i have seen many people on this site and others make mods using the KOTN crusader curaiss and other KOTN meshes and Textures without it requiring the KOTN expansion (not saying you did JQ) and nothing happened to them! as a matter of fact there mods are still on here and the other sites. (i understand you may be hurt by how this situation is going i only hope you change your mind)


aahhhg.. anyway....DON'T QUIT!!! i know i regreted it... :wallbash:



but if you still wish to quit im not stopping you...

your descisions are your own...

- :thanks: for your great mods and dedication to modding... you will be missed-sniff-



-----former modder Deus Ultima------

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I would like to tell you that you were always one of my favourite modders. I am a person that uses only lore-friendly mods, such as the Templar mod that I never got to even see what it was like. I never cared for skimpy dragon armour, or Anime-based characters. I remember the simple recolours that you did to the doublets. You made my favourite types of mods.


The action-figure mod that you designed was the most original thing I have ever seen. Bethesda should credit your idea and actually make plastic models available to purchase in real life. Then you could even make trading cards just like the "Warhammer" seiries. So original...


About the Templar mod. I made a request about using knight's tabards. I worked hard to keep the thread afloat above the other mods that got attention every day. The competition was tough! Your mod appeared and was gone! Such a shame.





- Kresselack -

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I'm sorry to see you go JQ. I enjoyed Assassin's quest a lot. I was going to download fighters guild united because it was recommended in one of Giskard's mods. and I went to the site and saw all of your other mods and wanted to download them all. I was sad to see that they were blocked, and now I'm even more sad to see that you're done modding and now I wont get the chance to experience the other mods.


Your decisions are yours alone. I'll be sad to see you quit, but I can respect the decision

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Also sorry to see your works disappear from public access; have several of your mods in storage on my hard-drive, and would still like to see more, should you choose to return to modding.


"Come all without, come all within,

You'll not see nothing like the Mighty Quinn."

-Bob Dylan-

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Yes he has quit.


Sorry I just found out the news from Blackguard666.

Let me just go on record & say that Jannix Quinn has made some excellent mods (yes I said it), I don't want to loose him.


Please reconsider Jannix Quinn, we need you.


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I thought I'd made that perfectly clear to your friend who contacted me on your behalf when I closed that thread (and who I assumed would relay my thoughts on the matter). What I don't appreciate is that you're not confronting me directly with your issues and are instead dragging it through this forum instead.


Not to stir up trouble but this comment seemed very rude and unprofessional to me. First off if your a Moderator for Beth's Forums you should keep your personal feelings out of the situation regarding it being talked about in outside set of forums, importantly because you are a representative of Beth; even if you are only a volunteer. Further more, being professional about it would have informed him directly PM/Email that there is a problem with the mod/meshes from the DLC and have him please contact you or other moderators to clarify the situation and the closed thread{notification is very important}. Last you should never have spoken of another member/members about punishment, consequences etc. with anyone beside the thread starter, that's normally a breach of confidentiality.


That being said, JQ I think you overreacted to the situation and in hindsight would have to stop using that particular mesh due to DLC legal conflicts.


Sorry ahead of time if I sound like I am coming off as a jerk because that's not what I intended. I read this thread a week ago, the whole thing aggravated me because its a silly legal issue that I think could have been handled better on all sides and I just wanted to get all that off my chest.




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