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Skjor has never heard of me for some reason....


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I enter the companions and meet Skjor and Kodlak. Skjor proceeds to say he's never heard of me. Does he not get outside that often or something?



I killed Alduin, am thane of every city, Arch-Mage of Winterhold, Listener of the DB, murderer of the Emperor, leader of the Thieves' Guild, have received every Daedric artifact. All of the guards have heard of me along with the people I've helped (and that's A LOT OF PEOPLE) but this idiot hasn't heard of me.


So, why is he so stupid?

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Because Bethesda couldn't be bothered to make everything add up. If you've completed the Civil War questline in favor of the Legion, many people will still believe that the war isn't over, and will have the same dialog as they did before/during the questline.
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Hah ! Wait until you finish the Companions quest line and Skjor turns up alive and well in Jorvasskr, calling you a whelp and telling you that you still need to prove yourself then offering you jobs ... That's just creepy! (and really bad, bad, game building by Bethesda)
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To SubjectProphet:

Imagine my feelings when my 70+ level girl, head of every faction, meets some guard and he tells her: "No lollygagging!"

My favourite answer is: "FUS RO DAH!" :biggrin:

(And to hell that bounty - I'm a GM of TG, I have tons of septims in my pocket, so I can spend some of them just for pleasure!)


To Perraine:

That never happened to me. And I became Harbinder in almost every incarnation. Maybe some bad mod?

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To Perraine:

That never happened to me. And I became Harbinder in almost every incarnation. Maybe some bad mod?


Serious? I thought Skjor's reanimation after being killed by the Silver Hand, along with his "whelp" name-calling after your char becomes Harbinger was actually part of the vanilla game or, at least, such a prevalent bug that it can almost be considered as such. (I think that's the first post I've read where a player hasn't experienced that ridiculous scenario.)

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Serious? I thought Skjor's reanimation after being killed by the Silver Hand, along with his "whelp" name-calling after your char becomes Harbinger was actually part of the vanilla game or, at least, such a prevalent bug that it can almost be considered as such. (I think that's the first post I've read where a player hasn't experienced that ridiculous scenario.)

It is, the event that causes the companions to wander around and hunt things in the wilderness causes him to come back to life, it is 100% unavoidable in the vanilla game.

Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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To Perraine:

That never happened to me. And I became Harbinder in almost every incarnation. Maybe some bad mod?


Serious? I thought Skjor's reanimation after being killed by the Silver Hand, along with his "whelp" name-calling after your char becomes Harbinger was actually part of the vanilla game or, at least, such a prevalent bug that it can almost be considered as such. (I think that's the first post I've read where a player hasn't experienced that ridiculous scenario.)


It's pretty prevalent, but I don't think I've actually seen him outside too much. It's possible someone missed him if they don't go into Jorrvaskr very often. It took me a long time before I saw him, but I had heard about the bug earlier. The annoying part was I was married to Aela and allegedly the two of them were an item before he died. Bastard. :pinch:

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I had the creepiest dead-Skjor sighting of all time. I had just cleared out Traitor's Post, that shack full of thieves north-east of Windhelm, when I saw something moving along the road outside. I ran out to look, and there was the corpse of Skjor, gliding down the road towards Windhelm. He was upright but buried waist-deep in the landscape in a frozen posture and you couldn't talk to him. Then he just vanished as I followed him along. Creeeeeepy.
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I had the creepiest dead-Skjor sighting of all time. I had just cleared out Traitor's Post, that shack full of thieves north-east of Windhelm, when I saw something moving along the road outside. I ran out to look, and there was the corpse of Skjor, gliding down the road towards Windhelm. He was upright but buried waist-deep in the landscape in a frozen posture and you couldn't talk to him. Then he just vanished as I followed him along. Creeeeeepy.


Exactly the same thing at Dark Water Crossing for me.

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