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Wearing a Duplicate Ring

Varus Torvyn

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Also there are plenty of mods that let you wear more than two rings, which would imply that you could enjoy all the enchanted benefits you wanted.

OK, but do these mods allow you to wear two of the same ring? If anyone has links to the mods Rickythecat mentions, I would very much appreciate them.

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The only problem is the "stacking" ... Oblivion doesn't allows you stacking, says, 2 feather but will stack feather + feather2 eg. I don't know if changing the item's name is enough, I think changing the name of the enchant is necessary.
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I had that.


10 rings realy felt like cheating.


This is probably the best one.



I like my character's rings to be visible hence I don't actually use the mod myself. A nice mod would add a selection of custom wearable rings to go along with this mod.


I tend to simply custom enchant my character's clothing, so I end up not needing the mod anyway.

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you should have great fun! reamber you cant have the same name as a ring but you can have the same buffs




diffrent names

sames buffs


Col John Sheppard

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