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Update/Patch 1.6 and mods.


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I was just wondering if anyone has had any problems with their mod setup after installing the 1.6 beta update?


I have nearly 200 mods installed and will avoid the update if it is going to screw things up - especially as it seems once you do you cannot go back to a previous version.


Anybody notice anything yet? I'm hoping that because it is mostly bugfixes that it will leave mods alone.





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No problems! In fact, the 1.6 patch has solved a lot of long-running problems, including the navmesh bug. mounted combat is still a little bit...different. But I'm sure with practice I can learn to do it effectively.


Like never before, I highly recommend opting in with this patch.


It not only leaves mods alone- they work so much better. Problems with vanishing, navmesh- now it is possible to have a working navmesh with just an .esp file, right? so it's only going to mean good things for the mod community.


I know I just released a mod today that is the first one to actually rely on the navmesh fix in this patch, and it works great.

Edited by Ironlion45
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...including the navmesh bug...


source for this? ...please? :unsure:




edit 1: AFAIK the patch notes only mention "General AI pathfinding optimizations and bug fixes" but maybe i'm missing something?


edit 2: anyway, we still need to wait for a SKSE update... until then, no mounted combat :ohdear:

Edited by VileTouch
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Only problem I've had so far with 1.6 is animation mods interfering with mounted combat, works fine once I disabled those.


1.6 patch doesn't work for me...when i take out a weapon on horseback...my character animation is stood up on the back of the horse like a circus performer

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Only problem I've had so far with 1.6 is animation mods interfering with mounted combat, works fine once I disabled those.


1.6 patch doesn't work for me...when i take out a weapon on horseback...my character animation is stood up on the back of the horse like a circus performer


That's what mine was doing, it stopped when I disabled 2 handed idle, castanistic idle and backflip anim

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Hi - i have A LOT of problems since i the game was patched to 1.5 and was hoping 1.6 would change that - i had a gameplay since the game came out - i NEVER had any crashes or any problems with the mods - at this point i'd like to mention that i also use a lot of mods - around 100 - befor version 1.5 and there were hundreds of new mods every day i tested everything i liked - i wildly installed and deinstalled them - got into the game, checked them out etc. and i often wondered 'wow this game is as stable as hell' - never any problems - all the mods were working fine and 'conflicting mods' was foreign vocabulary for me, although i'm sure they were conflicting because for example some foliage mods change the same files and thus overwrite each other but inspite of all this it worked perfect! Now, after a new download of the steam version and a reinstall i wanted to start another playthrough and -BAM!!

- Crash to desktop on starting a new game,

- game does not start - discovered multiple TESV.exe in my taskmanager

- frozen game on start: start a new game, introslide 1: 'Bethesda' - fades out - 'introslide 2': 'presents' - game freezes at this slide

- deinstalled/deactivated all the mods, except the ones for character creation - and managed to get through the startsequence and character creation, went to riverwood and saved - actived mods one by one, went in again, CTD on loading the game while some mods are actived - deactived them, the game ran for a while until CTD again - deactived other mods - the game ran and so on - now i'm down to 2 mods and i think i will have to deactived them too on my next CTD - THAT CAN'T BE IT?! i mean this version is totally non-modable for me.


Patch 1.5 totally ruined the game for me - and now 1.6 isn't doing the trick either - guess i have to stop playing my favourite game :(

Edited by babsik
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just redownloaded and reinstalled it and now it won't even give me the startup menue - what a crap! starting up again - of course the same error occured - just did that to check if there were again multiple TESV.exes running in my tastmanager - and they did (big surprise) - so what to do? does anybody know any links where this topic is discussed in more detail? i stressed my search machines but they didn't bring up anything other than the sweet reports of the gaming industry announcing that you now can do combat from horseback. pfff i loved my modded skyrim, after the huge disappointments in the gaming industry of the last two years in the rpg sector (eg. Dragon 'Fake' Age 2) i literally got misty eyed playing skyrim, now after messing with this for a few days i don't even want to play anymore :(
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Hi - i have A LOT of problems since i the game was patched to 1.5 and was hoping 1.6 would change that - i had a gameplay since the game came out - i NEVER had any crashes or any problems with the mods - at this point i'd like to mention that i also use a lot of mods - around 100 - befor version 1.5 and there were hundreds of new mods every day i tested everything i liked - i wildly installed and deinstalled them - got into the game, checked them out etc. and i often wondered 'wow this game is as stable as hell' - never any problems - all the mods were working fine and 'conflicting mods' was foreign vocabulary for me, although i'm sure they were conflicting because for example some foliage mods change the same files and thus overwrite each other but inspite of all this it worked perfect! Now, after a new download of the steam version and a reinstall i wanted to start another playthrough and -BAM!!

- Crash to desktop on starting a new game,

- game does not start - discovered multiple TESV.exe in my taskmanager

- frozen game on start: start a new game, introslide 1: 'Bethesda' - fades out - 'introslide 2': 'presents' - game freezes at this slide

- deinstalled/deactivated all the mods, except the ones for character creation - and managed to get through the startsequence and character creation, went to riverwood and saved - actived mods one by one, went in again, CTD on loading the game while some mods are actived - deactived them, the game ran for a while until CTD again - deactived other mods - the game ran and so on - now i'm down to 2 mods and i think i will have to deactived them too on my next CTD - THAT CAN'T BE IT?! i mean this version is totally non-modable for me.


Patch 1.5 totally ruined the game for me - and now 1.6 isn't doing the trick either - guess i have to stop playing my favourite game :(

It actually sounds more like you have broken your game with all of the installing and uninstalling mods. What you should try before giving up is to completely uninstall and do a fresh install of your game. Then, when you have tested it thoroughly without any mods slowly start adding them back one by one and testing each one before adding the next. That will save you a lot of headaches in the future. Try a fresh install and let me know how it works for you. :thumbsup:

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