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Your favorite spell?


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Pretty self-explanatory. This is the place to describe the best, funniest, coolest, deadliest, or favorite spell youve ever made, and give others a chance to make it themselves. I know that my favorite spell ive made thus-far is one i named thunderstruck. It deals out 40 pts. of shock, 50 pts. of fire, 30 pts. of frost, 35 pts. of damage fatigue, 15% weakness to shock, 25% weakness to frost, 15% weakness to fire, and 45% weakness to magic. (Yes, i am a master of destruction, and yes, it requires a LOT of magicka. And yes, it is usually a one-hit kill.)
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I don't care for the one-shot kills as it seems too easy then (unless my arrows manage it but that's another story, heh).


I do like my bolt though.


Weakness to magic

Burden (though this doesn't seem to have stopped anybody in their tracks yet so I'll probably ditch it)

Turn undead






Hurts them, turns some of them and frenzies them. :)



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Not my spell so I apologise for wandering off topic slightly but my favourite spell is Budong's narcolepsy spell. It's useful, especially for sneaking through dungeons and ruins but its got comedy value too. Casting it at passing Imperial legion horses is a giggle I never tire of. :blush:
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Spell that I accidently made that hurt me, instead of hurting. I casted it and was dead a second later, hehe...don't know how I managed that one but it was funny!
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Just thought of a spell (or two) that i like even more than the one I mentioned earlier. One ws called "Eye of the hunter", a variation of the vampire spell "hunters sight". It has nighteye and detect life(cant remember the specifics, sorry), a wide spread high level demoralize effect on target, a small range but .powerful frenzy, and fortify speed and acrobatics 35 pts.. I also had a spell on my mage that i recently deleted called "heart attack". It had damage fatigue 50 pts., paralyze for 13 seconds, and drain health 75 pts for 13 seconds. (Now that i think of it, the damage fatigue isnt really necessary because of the paralysis. Ill probly change that next time i make the spell.)


My bad, eye of the hunter also had a chameleon 25%, forgot to mention.

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All these uberkill spells are funny, until you cast then on something... as a lich... Very funny if you like seeing your PC dying a painful death :)


Edit: a bit off topic if only Oblivion matters, but in Morrowind, while levitating I casted a ring based rainbow elemental high destruction spell on a snow dwarf mounting a warg (at least I think was something like that)... what i saw first was the health bar running to 0, the next thing I saw was the ground rushing toward me, the next next thing I saw was I saw nothing anymore.


(yet Morrowind) more fun though was trying and using one of those scrolls from the falling "mage researcher" near Seyda Neen, game beginning (falling used literally here).

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If the snow dwarf you're talking about is a rieklling raider mounted on a tusked bristleback, then ive been in a simular situation. I used up the very last blast from my ring of flames on one of the little beasts that was swarming me, to no avail. I decided that it was time to make like a tree and get the h*ll outta there, used a staff of levitate, and was feelin' very clever right until i plummetted to the snowy ground of solsteim... I hadnt saved for over an hour either...
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If the snow dwarf you're talking about is a rieklling raider mounted on a tusked bristleback, then ive been in a simular situation. I used up the very last blast from my ring of flames on one of the little beasts that was swarming me, to no avail. I decided that it was time to make like a tree and get the h*ll outta there, used a staff of levitate, and was feelin' very clever right until i plummetted to the snowy ground of solsteim... I hadnt saved for over an hour either...

yes, this one... I think you know about the guy that falls screaming from the sky too :)

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If the snow dwarf you're talking about is a rieklling raider mounted on a tusked bristleback, then ive been in a simular situation. I used up the very last blast from my ring of flames on one of the little beasts that was swarming me, to no avail. I decided that it was time to make like a tree and get the h*ll outta there, used a staff of levitate, and was feelin' very clever right until i plummetted to the snowy ground of solsteim... I hadnt saved for over an hour either...

yes, this one... I think you know about the guy that falls screaming from the sky too :)

too long a time since I last played Morrowind


Edit: those riekliings casts Reflect spells, high level... the more uber the spell greater the chance the destruction caster toasting himself.

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