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What type of gamer are you?


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I play for the challenge. Since my mother bought a me my Atari i have been hooked on video games and i consider them my hobby and passion. I mainly play role-playing games and sometimes shooters ( but if the plot has anything to do with Russians i stay clear). So i gues you could call me a hardcore gamer :cool:
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I play for fun, sometimes 12 hours a day. The main genre I play at the moment are role-playing games, sci-fi shooters and it's rare when I play those CoD/Battlefield shooters. I'm also absolutely terrible at the RTS games so I usually ignore them. I can be considered a bit of a 'pro' when it comes to gaming, I guess.
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I play for fun, if a game isn't fun then I'm not interested.


I used to do that, now i dunno some times it seem that i play cause i need to do something, not "that funny" anymore :rolleyes:

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Your classification made no sense.


Casual means you don't play games much and just do it for fun. Hardcore gamer means you play games a lot, and get seriously involved with games. It has nothing to do with genre or "winning".


Getting seriously involved in RPG games makes more sense then getting seriously involved with FPS games. RPG games are more immersive and you end up sinking a lot of time into them. It is silly to say casual gamers mainly play RPGs.


This. Most casual gamers wouldn't touch RPGs, especially RPGs that make you use your brain. They're more into the stuff like Angry Birds and the like. Not saying they're stupid, just that being a roleplayer so does not equal casual.

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I'm with Jim if the game aint fun Im not playing.


I'm not too competitive in games anymore. I used to love all the FPS games and was really into em and then I just stopped. Not sure what happened. I got nothing against them I just don't find them fun anymore. I think it may have something to do with how competitive their communities are. Nothing wrong with that, I just like to sort of chill when I am playing a game.


But I have to say I don' think your analysis of the different type of players is logical. By your own options I would be somewhere between pro and casual. I play a few RTS's and Hero games like Dota 2, and starcraft, but I don't play for money and I certainly don't play to win every game. Just for fun, if I win thats a small bonus.


I will say though I hate losing in Dota 2.. Its such an easy game if your team is worth their two cents.

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@Dan3345 I used to play a lot of shooters too, I played Call of Duty (the original, not the camper infested hell of today) along with Quake, UT and others for hours at a time. I fired up MW2 recently and was shocked at how bad the online is, it's full of people camping, taking advantage of glitches, hurling abuse and generally being unpleasant. It really was horrible.
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@Dan3345 I used to play a lot of shooters too, I played Call of Duty (the original, not the camper infested hell of today) along with Quake, UT and others for hours at a time. I fired up MW2 recently and was shocked at how bad the online is, it's full of people camping, taking advantage of glitches, hurling abuse and generally being unpleasant. It really was horrible.

yeah its really deteriorated. A month or two ago I reinstalled MW2 also and began playing. I got killed the very second I spawned in by some kid using one of those auto-aim cheats. I don't understand why people cheat.. It completely ruins the game not just for the victim but for the cheater as well. At least for me it always does. When I play borderlands with my friends and we used to make our own weapons it would be fun for about five minutes and then it would be extremely boring. Once you take all the difficulty out what reason is there to play?


It's why I am extremely excited for two games this year. Dark Souls on PC and Borderlands 2. Borderlands 2 is just really fun, and Dark Souls will be a grind, in a good way. ;)

Edited by Dan3345
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I always been into role-playing games, call of duty, BO3 just doesn't do it for me. I like minecraft, all of Bethesda's games and i also like the darkness series, but that's not much of a sandbox game :P
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I'm a casual gamer, always have been always will be. With me if a game at any point in time ceases to be fun, and suddenly becomes not fun or frustrating, then I don't play it. I don't mind a challenge as long as its rewarding and not overboard.
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