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Need to understand what's wrong with my mod!


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Okay, I recently made a mod (Missing houses) and what it should be doing to work correctly is having the possibility to purchase a house from the city's steward and then having the possibility to purchase decorations, all worked good in my computer, so I uploaded the mod to tesnexus expecting bugs to be able to fix.

Turns out the mod didn't work at all, or at least, for some people it worked until the point to purchase the house, then the decoration didn't work at all.


So first thing I thought was that I forgot to archive some scripts, so I tried re-releasing it many times, until the point I didn't understand what was wrong/missing.

I thought about the possibility that I didn't make the .bsa correctly and should just release it with loose files, but first I decided to try the mod in another computer (To simulate someone downloading my mod and installing it), it worked perfectly fine.

Then I thought it was the save, maybe In different situations it wouldn't work (New player, imperial player, stoarmclock player, etc.) so I tried with 3 more saves, all of them worked fine.


So at this point and being really new to the modding world, I Can't think of anything else to solve the problem but to ask here for some suggestions, any help will be really appreciated =) Thanks.

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I looked at your mod and tested both houses, one time with the .bsa another time with loose files.

Both times it worked so far, I was able to buy and decorate the houses. Only the amount of gold the vendor took from me wasn't right in some cases ( i.e. the house in winterhold cost me 4000 instead of 2000). You should look at your scripts and/or global vars.


But there is another issue I also was struggling with recently: your weapon racks don't work correctly. Make sure your activator objects are not enabled by parent, just set them to 'initially disabled'. They will be enabled by the scripts of their linked refs.


Btw, for what reason is your .esp also archived inside the .bsa? That's strange.

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So it works?? Yeah I followed various tutorials about bsa packing, one tried without esp and the other without.

People had problems with purchasing/decorating so I tried many ways thinking the problem was the bsa packing, I'll take the esp file off in the next update, thanks for telling me it works correctly! =)


I'll follow your (useful) suggestion too! =) Just can you tell me which problems did the weapon racks have? because when I tested them they put the weapons in a right way, I think I didn't test them after purchasing the house though... So might be that the cause, In either way I'll follow your suggestion =) Thanks for the help!

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Make sure your mod has not dependencies on something you have in your machine but is not expected everyone to have. Remember if something else (like another mod) is active while producing yours, you may have created that dependency, If this is the case and for some reason you can't or want not to avoid the usage of third party stuff, make clear the dependency exist and the mods causing it must be downloaded and installed prior to installing yours.


I'm presuming the above due the information about the mod working for some people and not working at all for another. If you think it is a technical issue in the mod confection, you need to provide some more detailed information about how you are trying to do it.

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I don't have any dependencies though (Just skyrim.esm and update.esm).

Another thing I noticed is if I use coc right away without actually making a new character, the purchase option won't appear at all even for me.

As for other people, some can, some can't...



A person in chat helped me too, his own save wouldn't let him see not even the purchase option, when I gave him my own save, everything worked fine, so it can't be a compatibility issue or a dependence issue...

Both saves were at the "begginning" (when you just got out from helgen) while he was still in helgen if im not mistaken.

While other are even thanes (or at a good point in the game) and won't see the decoration option, while other are at the same point but everything works correctly @-@

Edited by Xilante
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