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Adding custom items to merchant


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I swear I've tried searcing for this but I just couldn't find the info I needed.


I would like to know how to add items from other mods (specifically clothing) to a merchant and how to make sure the previous merchant doesn't sell them anymore. Is it a matter of loading those mods that use them in the CS, putting the items in the new merchant inventory and unchecking those mods or is there more to it?


In detail: I want some of the clothing from Apachii, Dwemer Spectacles, Ardonnay etc. to show up in Kalikut's Rare Trade Goods mod and not on the original vendors (and the goddess store gone)


So, what exactly should I do? I think I know my way around the CS so just the basics will do.


Thanks in advance!

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You'll need to make duplicate references of each of the items you want (while your mod is set as active) before assigning the items to a merchant (via the new duplicates).


An easier way might be to just merge the mods, assign the items, and delete the merchant references you don't want.

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